My world is burning down around me

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Hello, well as always I'm gonna tell about my own life. I'm not gonna hold my words because Im really down. I don't know what to do, what to say, if in the end there can be a place in the world where I belong. I'm lost, exhausted, I can't stay like this. Sometimes I just wanna let go and what would happen if I just did as if nothing mattered, because yes, is there any interest in living and doing all this everyday, what's the matter with having fun and all, is there really anything cool or comfortable with living ? I have moved no long ago to a town in the south of the France, near Toulouse, and it seems like Paris is not the same, people change I know, but why is that so different ? and why do I feel once again like I don't belong anywhere anymore ? The worst's that my parents don't understand. I just wanna go there, see people or whatever. What do I want ? Do I love them ? Why is thats so difficult ? Isn't there anyone who I know that might understand those words ?
I'm sad. Because all I want is to see them. I told them I didn't want to move and that I would come back next year but they act like there's no problem when I tell them about the future and mean that I could stay in this town. I don't want to. It's nothing like I don't like the ones in the high school where I go. But I'm stuck in between.

« They say being one of a kind made you special, but that's not true, what was special was belonging with someone else » Jude /The vanishing half/

The only thing I'm happy to have is cosplay. I'm holding tight on it and I fucking can't let go. I'm although then maybe obsessed with vocaloids but that's the only thing that helps me get better when I'm at home. In fact it's not at school that I feel bad. It's clearly at home. I would feel better in an intern school in Paris. I can't handle the stifling air in my house even though it's big. I wanna see them. Why cant my parents understand ? I don't know what to do. Really. I'm lost. Exhausted. I don't know what to do. Do I belong somewhere ? Why can't they listen. I wanna say it. I want to. But I don't know. Without including the genre and sexual identity, it's already too difficult for me. If we didn't moved there, I wouldn't regret Paris in the first place. If we didn't moved here, I wouldn't have to make a choice. If anyone cared about me it would be at least nice.
But I'm gonna fall.

Lose my wings

lost purpose

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