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Okay hello, here's a TW/CW, because I think that reading the comparison between your favorite pet and some people that disgust you or make you sick might not exactly be what you praise for... ^ - ^

Second me, cats are psychopaths. And psychopaths are also cats. In the way we think of a psycho, not in the way like yeah humans are cats and cats are humans and that makes total sense. No, we usually say that cats "play" with their preys, but it's most of all because they don't feel the same way as us. They don't especially care about the feelings of most of the things or people that are around them. And ins't obvious for you to play with toys, you don't think they think or have emotions right ? Well maybe you're a normal person, but some people have another way of feeling the world. They don't feel the emotions of others, and they kinda don't care. You say it's madness or mind illness, but in fact, these people who just don't have the same feelings as you about the world, maybe that they're normal ? Like, you don't hate your cat because they played with a lizard and cut it's tail out, right ? Maybe you're a bit mad at them but, what if instead of a cat it was your son ? What if he played with something bigger ? You would just be horrified. Because "humans" can't and shouldn't be so inhuman. Like, you know the definition of "humanity" ? It's 1. human beings collectively, 2. the quality of being human, benevolence, compassion. Does that mean we misdefined this word, this term ? Because I guess most of you thought it was about intelligence and the fact of using tools and living in houses or even walking on two feet. Well sorry guys, we think usually of the definition of the  term "human" and yes it's right, but "humanity", the collective that we form, is based on how we act with others. So we agree that cats aren't human, and doesn't have humanity ? Yes, even though we pardon them everytime,  but psychopaths... they're humans, off course, but they kind of don't fit with the "humanity" description either. So in a way, I'm right, psychopaths are cats.

well, thanks for reading, love you and please I want to know what do you think about all this.

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