彡Loneliness (fra-eng)

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Hey. Je ne comprends pas le sens de ce que j'écris. Je crois qu'il n'y en a plus. Plus de sens, plus que des mots sans valeur.
Pourquoi ? Pourquoi je passe mon temps à fuir. Essayer de tourner le dos au reste, aux autres. Pourquoi il faut que je m'enferme dans ma chambre chaque soir en écoutant toujours les mêmes musiques et en suant jusque presque m'effondrer ? Pourquoi il faut que je ne me sente plus bien en compagnie de ma famille proche ? Si bien que l'arrivée de mes amis est comme une libération, une grande goulée d'air frais que j'inspire en cette soirée étouffante d'été. Je veux essayer de m'envoler. Je veux m'envelopper d'un voile léger qui m'accompagnerait jusqu'en plein ciel, où mon corps entier se tordrait et se préparerait à l'atterrissage.
Je veux devenir légère. Voler dans le ciel. Become a bird. Me transformer. Pour juste quelques heures, peut-être moins. Je voudrais tellement, mais je ne peux le dire à personne, parce que personne ne saurait m'écouter. On ne sait que me dire :
Give up
Go away
No, you're not allowed to do this
You're weird
Why can't you do anything normal
Be normal
Like others
You're strange
You should not do this
Think this

Et si j'avais juste envie de ne plus les entendre ? Monter le son et m'envoler. Disparaître loin dans les nuages, n'être plus qu'un point de lumière dans le lourd ciel d'une nuit d'été.
Pourquoi aucun de mes rêves n'est assez bien ? Je ne suis pas non plus très "ambitieuse". Je voudrais juste voler.
Tiny bird without wings wanted to fly
No one wanted to help it get through this
It started to start in a different way after so many tries
No one would notice but when it started to fly
With the black wings of pride
Everyone gave a glance at it astonished
But it was too late
The little bird began a wonderful dark thing
It was neither a bird neither any other known creature
It was just a pretty thing flying
Standing in the sky as if this moment could end at anytime
It felt just like freedom
But all good things must come to an end
It began to fall from the sky
Even the clouds couldn't help it
It simply fell
Waking up in a world which didn't want it to stand on its feet
As it cannot walk or fly
It was supposed to crumble and stay down
Kimi no uta wa utskushii desu
the bird couldn't rise in this glassy sky anymore
it could only fall deep
into the sea
disappearing through the deep
lost and broken
a bird
which somehow
dreamt about to fly


so... here's a new song I wanted to share, it's Mind brand, it's the version of kuraiinu and dj-Jo... then enjoy and see you next time ^ - ^
"welcome to the mind fuck

hold on a second ma'am
without a care the clothes you wear don't give a damn
slipping up and down
fairy d
whitout you do you even understand
hold on a moment sir
without a heart to shape
talking up a sample girl you picked her cherry 
very very well
promising the sun and moon
stories that you always tell
now you're out the door I hope your cherry picked your way to hell
with a
mirror mirror on the wall
finding up for someone sortable
theming jacking someone miserable
what shouldn't care with it
to finally see them all
in hell
I drag them as we crawl
I do it it right
ain't feeling that high
and i'll give just fine
you should
holding you tight
fighting all night
telling me why
I can't rewrite
these memories of you and me won't go away
welcome to the mind fuck
(idk i don't understand)
changing my face
make you away
we would all the night
feeling okay
walking all day
pleading that play
the memories of you and me I couldn't face
poker face but
the last found
run away but
there'll be more to run around
the scars would open up again
didn't like but
it's gonna hurt you in the end
taking it's right
making all right
fading all night
what all you see's that I now can't change
living all choice
heading so close
do we know
that goes so slow
the memories are fading
i'll say goodbye to everything

shadowing in a dark room

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