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Hello ! well I feel exhausted... like I don't know but I suddenly just feel like it's all meaningless. No one cares how much the world is twisted. Like, humans, what is their purpose in being live ? Why do we only exist ?
Do you know what anyone could tell me answering to that ?
"You should neither ask 'why' nor try to 'understand'. The only thing you can do here, is just to accept you can't do anything to it, and swallow the pill."

In fact, the people who usually respond this, don't understand what they tell us, or can't explain it in a way that could approach our area of understanding. In this case, it's of course that it's all beyond us. Beyond the human. None of us know why, and it's scarcely that we can understand how.
Today, I asked myself a puzzle connected to the serie we were watching, it was : "How, if they created the future, could they create this exact one, only by crossing it ? Because they couldn't actually even meet without this future. "

My brother answered the puzzle by saying that, as it was said earlier, at every choice we make, every single divergences, we take another path, and that all these path, they coexist, and there is one of these in which this kind of situation do exist, and that by crossing through all those, there's a way that it might exist. It's like the negative square. Or the imaginary numbers. They do exist, only through the existing of others numbers, which altogether, makes a whole new path. A world in which the future impact it's past, and not the opposite.

and then the girl went mad

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