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Mickey was sitting at a lunch table alone drawing in her note book at her school in Kentucky she was always alone when she was at school because older kids and younger kids were always make fun of her face stupid things like the scar that she had on her right eye or how her mom used to hit her and howher father raised her like a soldier. Mickey hated them all. The only person that made her feel normal and didn't treat her like a freak was her father. He knew how much she liked to learn. He would always tell her how if her age was the level of her maturity she would be 17.

"Mickey, your father is here to pick you up." Mik looks up from her book and looks at her teacher and nods as she puts all her stuff in her bag then throws on her black zip up hoodie over her black and gray long sleeve shirt then she walks behind her teacher as she leads her to the front office so she can sign out.

When she walks out the doors of the school she sees her dad in his car in front of the school. He looks at her when she gets in the passenger seat. His face is calm but his eyes are full of panic.

"What's wrong dad?" She asks him as he starts the car.

"You remember all the stuff on the news about that virus?" He asks his daughter as he speeds a little though the back roads.

"Ya." She tells him nodding well looking around seeing someone walking behind a man then grabbing him and putting their teeth through his neck and ripping it out Mik screams a little in the puts her hand over her mouth as her dad speeds I little more. "Dad what the hell is going on." She asks as she looks around her bad car for the knife he kept in it just in case someone tries to rob him.

"The virus is making people eat each other." Jasper tells his daughter. "If you get bitten you turn into one of them." He tells her as he parks in front of their house and unbuckles his seat belt and turns to her. "I need you to quickly grab a bag and anything else you will need. I will grab my gun and food and make sure to get that big knife you made me get you for your birthday." He tells her and she nods and they both run inside and grab their stuff. She gets a duffel bag and puts clothes, her drawing stuff, an extra pair of boots and a knife in her bag. She gets her 'mini sword' and straps it to her hip.

She runs down stairs and outside to see your father putting stuff in the back of the car she runs to put his stuff in her seat but is tackled by one of the dead she tries to grab her knife well making sure it doesn't bit her but luckily Jasper sees what happening and grabs his knife and runs to his daughter and stabs the thing in its head some of the blood goes on the side of her face as she quickly gets up.

"Are you ok Mik?" Jasper asks her as he puts his hands on her face and she nods as he grabs her arm and they move to his car and quickly get in then speeds away hitting any dead that tries to get in their way. "At least we know we need to stab or shoot them in the head to kill them." Jasper says with a smile trying to cheer up his daughter as he looks straight ahead Mik laughs a little.

"Where are we going dad?" Mik asks as she looks at all the people running around.

"The hospital in Atlanta if there is any military anywhere right now that's where they would be." Her dad tells her and she nods.


It took a while for them to get to the hospital but they got there when they got out of the car Jasper was Attacked by one of the dead Athena quickly ran over to his side of the car and took her knife and stab it in it's head with all the force she had the thing fell on her which made her hit her head off the ground Jasper was quick to get the thing off his daughter.

They got their stuff and ran into the hospital Mik accidentally bumped into a cop. She looked at him and saw panic in his face. "Sorry." She says but doesn't wait for an answer as she quickly catches up with her dad.

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