Beside the Dying Fire

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They were walking back to the house. Mik was at Rick's left side and Carl was at his right. Mik started rubbing her left shoulder trying to make it not so tender and fixed the sling a little; she still had dried blood and bruises on the side of her face but at this moment she really didn't care.

She had a weird feeling like they were being followed but she ignored them.

"You two bit too?" Carl asks them and shakes their heads.

"No." Rick tells him as Mik bits her lip.

Mik still didn't understand how Shane turned because he wasn't bitten.

But he had to be right; he couldn't have turned if he wasn't bitten. She thinks to herself then looks at Rick who looks like he is trying to decide something.

"Shane was." Carl tells them as Mik opens her mouth but closes it again.

"That wasn't Shane. You know that." Rick tells him as Carl looks down and Mik shrugs. Both the walker and human him were assholes. She thinks as she feels like someone watching her and she turns to her right to see Shane standing there.

"Is that really how you're going to think about a dead guy?" He asks her, making her eyes go big in shock he didn't talk before he just stood there. "Well I guess I can't be that surprised you are the one that killed me after all." He tells her with a smirk and she turns back to Carl and Rick at this moment she wishes she had her MP3 player but it was back at the house with Willow.

"Used to be." Carl says as he looks down as they walk then looks back to Rick and Mik with a questionly look. "What happened? You guys attacked? And how did Mik break her hand?" Carl asks them and Mik looks up to Rick silently asking if they should tell him and he shakes his head. "I mean, I... I heard a gun, but I didn't see any walkers nearby.How did Shane die?" He asked again and the last question made both of them stop.

Rick crouches down in front of him, both of them want to say something but nothing comes out of their mouths.

What really were they supposed to say to him? Yeah we were attacked but not by Randall or walkers but by Shane. They shouldn't say that but they both knew they needed to find a good way to tell the others.

Mik hears something in the distance behind them making her turn around and gasps when she sees a group of walkers coming towards them and more coming from the shadows.

Rick turns around when he hears Mik gasp thinking that she is hurt or something when he sees the walkers and he grabs both of his kids.

"Oh my God! Go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go-go." Rick whispers shouts to them as he pulls them in front of him. Carl grabs Athena's good hand and they all run.

They stop at a tree that is close to the barn. "We... we gotta get to the house, tell the others." Carl tells them as Rick shakes his head.

"We'll never get through that. Can't go around. Carl Mik, stay close. Go!" He says as Mik takes her sword out and they start running to the barn she kills any walker that gets in their way.

They get to the barn Mik puts her sword away to help Carl keep the door shut as Rick clocked the doors they could hear the walkers on the other side.

Rick looks around as Mik and Carl stand together until Rick grabs them and brings them over to the back a little as he looks around and finds a couple of things of  gasoline and hands one to Carl and they start purring it all over the place.

Mik is at the side of the room killing the walkers with her sword that are trying to get through into the barn.

"All right, here we go. Come on. Hurry." Rick says as he looks to the side and sees Mik he can tell she is getting tired. "Oh shit. All right. Okay."  He says as he signals for Mik to come back over and she does and Rick pulls her and Carl to the ladder. "Up there. Hurry." He says as he points to the ladder.

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