Cherokee Rose

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When Mik woke up she stayed in bed for a little loving the feeling of being in a real bed but eventually she got up and dressed in the clothes Maggie gave her a light brown tank top and dark and light brown flannel with brown shoes with a black she had it mostly buttoned up bandanna wrapped around to rest with her dog tags and the hat Glenn gave her and she had Rick's badge on the pocket of her flannel she heard people outside and saw everyone outside for Otis funeral and when she saw Lori outside she thought this was a good time to see Carl.

She carefully went down stairs and walked to Carl's room. When she got there she saw the door was closed so she slowly opened it to see him sleeping so she just decided to just sit with him. Well he slept. She walked next to his bed and sat in the chair well holding his hand.

"Hey." Carl says when he wakes up and sees his sister next to him Mik jumps a little not expecting him to be awake.

"Hey I thought you were asleep." She tells him as she gets up and sits next to him crossing her legs.

"I was but luckily I woke up." He tells her with a smile and Mik smiles back at him and nods. "Dad told me you only had to have a couple of stitches." Carl tells Mik as she looks at him feeling bad.

"Ya." She tells him and he smiles he wasn't mad like his mom he was happy that she was okay.

"Can I see the stitches?" He asks her and she nods as gets off the bed and lifts her flannel, opening the bandage letting Carl see at and when he does he makes an 'eww' noise and Mik laughs at him as she wraps her stitches back up and sits on the bed.

"So how do you feel?" She asks him as she looks at his bandage.

"Okay." He tells her shrugging and they both look towards the door seeing Rick peck his head though smiling when he sees his kids.

"Hey how are you guys feeling?" He asks as he comes into the room and sits on the chair Mik was before she sat on the bed.

"I am feeling better." Carl tells him and Rick and Mik can see he is getting tired.

"I am fine too." Mik tells him and he nods.

"We'll Mik you should come outside with me you could see the others and Willow has been going crazy and we are talking about we're we could find Sophie you can't go today but maybe soon and Carl can sleep." Rick tells her and she nods and gives Carl a hug. She was a little mad. She couldn't help in any way to go look for Sophie but she knew Rick was just trying to make sure she didn't get hurt.

"Ok fine." She tells him and he smiles and they both hug Carl and leave and go outside the second Mik is off the porch of the house she's tackled by Willow luckily he wasn't at his full size because if he was she wouldn't fall on her ass. "Did you miss me boy." Mik asks him as she picks him up and he instantly starts licking her face, happy to see his owner is okay.

Mik and Rick walk up to everyone who is walking around setting up their tents. Dale instantly walks out of the RV when he sees Mik walking towards them with Rick next to her and Willow in her arms.

"Happy to see you up." Dale tells her as he walks up to her giving her a hug which Mik gladly returns.

"Happy to be up." She tells Dale as she puts Willow down but he doesn't move from right next to her.

Mik sees Daryl standing next on his bike biting his nails and she decides to go talk to him she says bye to Dale and Rick as she walks over to Daryl standing in front of him.

"Thanks for looking after Willow." She tells him and he nods.

"No problem, how's your side?" He asks her Rick had told them how Carl and Mik were shot and how Mik will be able to walk around now but can't do anything too hard for a couple of days.

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