Judge, Jury, Executioner

365 17 1

Mik was standing next to Rick with Willow wearing a black tank top with a brown flannel with her hat on her head and her ponytail going though the whole of the hat and brown jeans. She had her weapons in the same place and with her dog tags around her neck and her badge on her belt.

They were all standing together as Daryl 'talked' to Randell who Rick and Shane ended up bringing back when they found out he knew Maggie Mik didn't know what to think about all the shit going on.

Mik also didn't know what the hell happened when they were out there she knew Rick and Shane probably got into an argument because of the way they were acting and when she saw the bruises on Shane's face she smiled.

"So, what you gonna do? We'd all feel better if we knew the plan. " Lori asks as she looks over at Rick and Shane and Carl walks over to Mik standing next to his sister.

"Is there a plan? Andrea asks them.

"We gonna keep him here?" Glenn asks as Mik looks over and sees Daryl coming out of the shed.

"We'll know soon enough." Rick tells them as Daryl gets to them with his crossbow on his back like always he is wearing long sleeves which is rare.

"Boy there's got a gang, 30 men. They have heavy artillery and they ain't looking to make friends." Daryl says as he gets up to them. "They roll through here, our boys are dead. And our women, they're gonna....They're gonna wish they were." He says as Mik looks down she doesn't know what he meant for the last part but she knows by the look on the other woman's faces it's not good.

"What did you do?" Carol asks as Mik looks at his hands and sees how his knuckles are bloody.

"Had a little chat." Daryl says making Mik chuckles under her breath a little.

"No one goes near this guy." Rick tells him as he looks at Mik and Carl as Mik nods telling him she understands.

Lori steps in front of Rick. "Rick, what are you gonna do?" She whispers to him but everyone can hear.

"We have no choice. He's a threat. We have to eliminate the threat." Rick tells them as Mik looks down she knows that he is right.

"You're just gonna kill him?" Dale asks as Mik looks over to them then looks down at Willow who is just eating his food not knowing what's going on around him.

"It's settled. I'll do it today." Rick tells them then walks away as Dale follows him Mik stays around until Willow finishes his food then she puts his dish with the others then they walk away going to the middle of the field.

She throws a stick as Willow brings it back every time and breaks and jumps around happily.

After a little about an hour and a half Willow sits down in Miks lap.

Mik was sitting down with her back on a tree with Willow on her lap when Dale came up. "Hi Mik." Dale says as he comes over and sits next to her patting Willow as Mik gives him a smile it's been a minute seems she had a chance to talk to him.

"You want to talk to me about Randell don't you?" She asks Dale and he nods.

"Do you really think we should kill him?" He asks her and she looks down. She didn't want to have anybody kill someone but she doesn't know what else to do.

"I don't want Rick to have to kill him but I also don't know what else to do with him." She tells him as she looks at the field and he nods.

"I just wanted to know what you thought about it." He tells her and Mik nods. Dale knows that the others wouldn't listen to Mik because she is so young but he still likes to know her thoughts about things. "How have you been doing with everything going on?" He asks her and she gives him a smile.

"It's hard but things have gotten easier. I don't have flashbacks of my left with my mom that much anymore." She tells him and he smiles. He knows that everything that happened when she was younger will always stick with her but as time goes on he sees how much she has changed.

Dale kisses her head and pats her shoulder as he gets up. "You are strong Mik always remember that." He tells her and she nods and gives him a smile as he walks away.

It was hours later Mik and Carl were not allowed to be there during the meeting so they sat in the dining room. Mik tried to get Carl to laugh or smile but nothing worked so she ended up sitting with Willow on the couch.

She knows that he is probably acting like this because what happened to Sophie but she still wishes she could do something to help him.

"Why are you so muddy?" Mik asks Carl as he just glares at her and she raises her hands in surrender and listens to Dale shout at the others.

"He deserves to die." Carl says to Mik making her look at him in shock.

"Don't say stuff like that." She tells him she knows that Randell couldn't stay here but she didn't like this side of her brother.

When Carl doesn't say anything she starts to leave the room but stops and listens to what Dale says.

"Are y'all gonna watch, too? No, you'll go hide your heads in your tents and try to forget that we're slaughtering a human being. Whoa... I won't be a party to it. This group is broken." He tells them then walks out and he is right this group is broken.

She starts walking out to follow Dale but when the floor creaks she stops and turns to see everyone looking at her.

"His right, this group is broken." She tells them before walking away and going to her tent with Willow not bothering to look back.


Mik was sitting in her tent. It was night time by now and she hadn't left her tent yet Willow was sleeping on the ground as she sat at the edge of her bed bouncing her leg up and down just in her thoughts.

Everything around her was quiet until she heard screaming making her jump up and run out of her tent Willow following as she runs into the field seeing everyone crowding something and she started running faster.

But everything stops when she sees who is standing around.


The man who has been like a grandfather to her scenes the minute he meets her.

Laying on the ground his stomach ripped out as he groaned in pain.

"Mik go inside." Rick tells her as he tries to move her so she can't see Dale but she just pushes past him and walks over to Dale dropping to the ground next to him and Andrea does the same.

Everyone is surrounding them shouting and crying.

"Dale, it's okay." She tells him as tears make their way down her face. "Someone get Hershel!" She shouts at them.

Dale takes the watch off of his wrist and grabs her hand opening it and puts the watch in it. "You deserved...more than th...the world gave you." He tells her as best as he can as he chokes on his own blood and Mik just sobs as she holds his hand.

Daryl walks over to them; she knows why he looks at her and she nods as he takes out his gun and points it to Dale's head.

"It's okay just look at me everything is going to be okay." She tells Dale as he looks at her he knows what she means when she says everything will be okay and he keeps looking at her he wishes she didn't have to see this.

"Sorry, brother." Daryl tells him then pulls the trigger.

Mik doesn't jump, she doesn't do anything but sobs as she holds his watch in between their hands.

She doesn't know how long she is there for until Glenn comes over and picks her up she tries to fight back but she's too tired her body feels like it's numb when she looks up she sees Glenn crying so she wraps her arms around his neck as he brings her to his tent as Willow follows them with his head down knowing that she wouldn't want to be alone.

She fell asleep crying in Glenn's bed as he tried his best to comfort her.

But he couldn't do much right know because he was barely keeping it together himself.

The New World (1) (TWD) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin