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((I will tell you when to play the song))

Mil was still on her bed with Willow reading but she had her MP3 player next to them playing music quietly. The room was dimly lit with candles around the room and no sunlight because a sheet she had put over the door to her room to give her some more privacy.

She stops reading and puts her book down on the floor next to her bed then looks at Willow who is laying next to her.

She got off the bed and got dressed in a blue t-shirt and black jeans. She put on her boots and put her hair in a braid and put her hat on, sliding her braid through the whole then put her badge on her belt.

She walked over to her bed and sat next to Willow who looked up at her.

"What do you want to do boy?" She asked him as she pats him, making him purr.

Mik and Willow jump when they hear yelling from downstairs. Mik grabs her sword from the floor and runs out of the room with Diablo.

When she gets to the stairs she sees the group helping an unconscious Hershel. She walks downstairs looking to see what is wrong with him and when she sees his missing leg and all the blood coming out of it with his skin still hanging from it making her gasp and put her hand over her mouth.

She tears go to her eyes as she watches as everyone does stuff to help him but there was nothing she could do to help him.

Just like there was nothing she could do to help Dale.

She looks around not seeing T-Dog or Daryl she assumes there is in the cafeteria so she runs up to her room and grabs all her weapons putting her pocket knife on her belt and her sword and arrows on her back and she carded her bow in her right hand.

She walked out of her room and passed Hershel's room not daring to see what was happening afraid of what she would see so instead she walked through the doors that lead to the cafeteria.

"T-Dog, Daryl?" Mik asked when she walked into the room which she thinks was the cafeteria from all the tables in it.

She sees Daryl holding his crossbow up and when she looks at what he is pointing at she sees a bunch of men in jumpsuits and she takes her bow off her back and grabs an arrow pointing at the man.

"Ain't you cute." One with black long hair who is pointing a gun at Daryl says to her with a smirk. "We'll you would be more cute if you didn't have all those scars." He tells her and she points her arrow at his head making him chuckle until Willow gets in front of her growling showing his sharp teeth and lick his lips as she sees Daryl and T-Dog at the man from the corner of her eyes.

"Shut the hell up." T-Dog shouts at him, making the man point his gun at T-Dog.

"Don't tell me this is my house!" The man shouts at T-Dog and Mik looks at Daryl silently asking him if she should let the arrow go and get rid of this guy.

"Mik, what are you doing here?" Rick asks as he walks in but Mik doesn't look away from the man.

"I wanted to find T-Dog and Daryl to see if I could help them." She says and Rick walks next to her with a hand on shoulder stepping in front of her well glaring at the man.

"Go back inside the cell block Mik." He tells her sternly she stays still not wanting to leave them and also not wanting to go back to see Hershel suffering knowing she can't help him.

"But dad...." She says but he just gives her a look making her huff and start walking backwards as Willow does the same well, still growling at the man.

She walked into the cell block hearing the cry's of Beth and Maggie as Carol and Lori tried to help Hershel leg she walked up the stairs with Willow and sat on the top of them with her back on the wall for she is facing Hershel room with Willow next to her laying down she with his head in her lap couldn't stop staring at Hershel room.

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