When the Dead Come Knocking

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(Warning: Talk about r@pe and silence)

Mik was tied to a chair her jacket was gone and she didn't have her watch, hat or dog tags so she was beyond pissed when she woke up she didn't where she was being held or who Merle was working for or what they would do to her and she wasn't with Maggie or Gleen which made her even more worried about the fact she didn't know what was happening to them or if they were even still alive.

She was alone for a couple hours a couple times. She thought she heard people talking but she could never hear what they were saying.

Mik was trying to get her hands untied when the door to the room she was being held in was open and in walked a man with he had regular clothes on and he was clean he had brown hair and his eyes are a light blue and when Mik would tell that he wasn't good.

"Hi there I am the Governor." He says with a fake friendly look as he takes a chair from the corner of the room and sits in front of her as he does when a Spanish man walks into the room but he just stands in front of the door. What kind of name is Governor? Mik thinks as she watches the man. "I am sorry for this misunderstanding, your friends are okay." He says to her in a kind voice but Mik sees right through him and she also doesn't know if Maggie and Glenn are okay like this 'Governor' said.

Mik just stares at the man in front of her but doesn't say anything, making him chuckle as he runs a finger across his bottom lip.

"Merle tells me your name is Mik." He asked her as Mik still stares at him with a blank look and that friendly look starts to go away. "You know it's not nice to ignore someone?" He asked her as Mik shrugs with the same look.

She knew that he would probably want to know where they were camping. That would be the only reason he would keep them alive.

"Where are you and your people camping?" He asked her in a more serious voice, making Mik roll her eyes.

"Am not telling you anything." Mik tells him venom filling her voice making him glare at her.

The Governor stands and signals the man in front of the door to come over as he crouches down next to Mik. "You brought this upon yourself." He whispers in her ear before standing up and starts leaving the room as the man stands in front of her cracking his knuckles. "Don't hold back." Is the last thing he says before slamming the door as he leaves.

Mik was scared of what the man in front of her was going to do but she didn't let it show.

"You know all you have to do is tell us where you and your people are staying, kid." He says as looks at Mik who looks down for a second making him think she was going to say something.

But when she looks back up with fake tears in her eyes all she does is spit in his face which makes him back up as he wipe him with the back of his hand. "Go to hell." She says as she sits back in her chair.

"You asked for this." He says with a scowl and walks over to her and punches her in the stomach twice as she tries her best not to cry out in pain. "Tell us punch where your punch people are!" He shouts at her as he continues to punch her in the stomach and face.

But Mik doesn't say anything even though she wants the pain to stop. She isn't going to let her family down and she still didn't know where Maggie and Glenn were. All she could do was hope that they were alive.

The man stops as Mik's head hangs down. She has blood dripping down her face and she knows that one or more of her ribs are cracked or broken. He takes off his jacket and puts it on the chair that the Governor was sitting in earlier and pulls out a knife from his belt

He walks back up to her and puts the knife against her cheek he has a smirk on his face as he runs the knife her face to her collarbone were he Presses the tip of the knife down until it draws blood then he drags it down a little more and stops when the knife gets to Mik's shirt.

She trumbulls as she watches him lick his lips as he starts to push the knife down and it starts cutting her shirt and 'accidentally' cutting some of her skin as he went. She knew what was going to happen to her and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Stop please stop. She cried out in her head but nothing came out even when she opened her mouth she knew the only way he would stop is if she told him where they were staying but she wasn't going to give them up. It was like she was trapped as he kept cutting it almost completely in half and the only thing covering her up was her black sports bra. 

Her stomach was black and blue from being punched over and over again, Mik can feel the blood flowing down her body from him cutting her and from her face.

"They are some cool scars." He says as he looks at the scars covering her body but Mik just closes her eyes imagining she's somewhere else.

A loud knock on the door made Mik jump and the man stop cutting her shirt as he puts his knife back in his belt as he walks to the door. "Who is it?" He says as he unlocks the door Mik can't really see who it is.

"Boss wants your help with the other two." Mik can hear a female voice say.

"But I think I was finally getting somewhere here." He says as he looks over at Mik.

"We'll the boss wants you now." She says as the man scoffs as he nods and walks over to get his jacket and puts it on as he watches Mik who is trembling.

He walks over to her and puts his hand on the back of her head. "I will see you later." He says then leans closer to her ear. "Then we can have real fun." He says then leaves the room.

When Mik can't hear their footsteps any more than when she breaks and starts sobbing and thrashing around trying to get her hands untied but nothing works, the only thing she can do is hope that Ricks and the others are coming to help them.

As she sat there crying she wondered if they pain will ever stop because that's all she goes through now is pain she doesn't think she can live any longer if this is all life has in-store for her.

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