Pretty Much Dead Already

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It was early morning morning and everyone was sitting down eating eggs Mik was leaning against Ricks legs wearing a red tank top and black ripped jeans with her badge on her waistband of her jeans and her dog tags and her hat on her head with her black combat boots and  her sword on her hip as Willow was on her lap as she gave him eggs and Rick was in his own world and Lori was on the other side of him with a bruised cheek as Carl was next to Mik as they talked still sleepy.

Carl wasn't on good terms with his mom since he saw her slap Mik and Lori was even more mad at Mik because to her this was all her fault.

"Hey." Lori says to Rick as she puts her head on the back of his head and kisse his cheek making him snap back to reality. "Where'd you go?" She asks him as she puts her face next to his and he turns to her.

"I'm here." He tells her as Mik moves on to the log next to him.

"It happens to me sometimes too." She tells him as he looks at her.

"What happens?" Rick asks her and she gives some annoying look.

"Being here in person but not in mind." She tells him as he thinks for a minute then nods as they both go back to eating.

Glenn walks over to everyone as Mik smiles and waves at him. "Um, guys." He says making everyone look at him as Mik looks at him confused. "So....the brain is full of walkers." He tells them and for a second Mik thought he was joking but he wasn't.

Mik was standing in front of the barn with Willow in front of her like he always is when he is in protective mode everyone was watching as Shane stepped up to the door looking in the barn a little until he walked away.

"You cannot tell me you're all right with this." He tells Rick.

"No I'm not, but we're guests here. This isn't our land." Rick tells him making Shane scoff and turn around.

"This is our lives!" Shane shouts at him, making Mik jump a little.

"Lower your voice." Glenn says not wanting Maggie to see that he told them about the barn.

"Ricks right about this." Mik says making Rick look at her gratefully and Shane glares at her. "Hershel can make us leave any minute so just let Rick talk to him. She tells them because she knows that if they do something stupid they will have to leave and she will be damned if she has to leave before finding Sophie.

"Shut the hell up." Shane shouts at her, making Rick stand in front of him.

"Don't talk to my daughter like that." He tells him with a deadly glare.

"We can't just sweep this under the rug." Andrea tells them as Mik rolls her eyes at them. Can't they see that if they do something Hershel will make them leave and they won't have a choice in the matter. She thinks as she looks back at the barn.

"It ain't right. Not remotely." Shane says as Mik lets out a dry chuckle.

"What do you know about what is right?" She asks him what all she gets is a glare from Shane.

"Okay, we've either got to go in there, we've got to make things right or we've just got to go. Now we have been talking about Fort Benning for a long time." He tells them as Mik looks at him like he is crazy, yes she knows it's a very slim chance Sophie is still alive but even if she is dead they got to know Carol deserves closure but Mik hopes that is not the case.

"We can't go." Rick tells him as Shane rolls his eyes.

"Why? Rick, why?" Shane asks him as Carol steps forward.

"Because my daughter is still out there." She tells him as Mik looks at Shane and all she sees is crazy in his eyes she doesn't know how the others can't see it.

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