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It was the next morning and Mik was sanding at the fire with everyone else watching Amy and Andrea. Mik knew Andrea could and is going to put Amy down when the time comes and she also knows Andrea needs time; she just lost the most important person in her life when Daryl walked over to everyone.

"Y'all can't be serious. Let that girl hamstring us?." He says as he brings his right arm out. "The dead girl's a time bomb." He tells them.

"What do you suggest?" Rick asks as Mik starts putting her stuff in her bag she still had the same clothes on from last night they all did Willow was next to her eating dog food that Rick got him he also got a lot of chocolate bars he gave half to Mik as part of their deal then the rest to Carl and Sophie.

"Take the shot. Clean, in the brain from here." Daryl says as Mik stands up with her bag in hand.

"Can you shut up?" She asks him harshly that she didn't mean to be so rude but everything that has been happening brings her back to some memories that you'd rather forget. "She is going to do it but give her some god damn time, that's her sister that she just lost." She tells them as they all look at her and she and Willow walk over to Andrea.

Mik sits on the other side of Amy's body with Willow next to her laying in the shade. "If you come here to tell me what I have, you can leave." Andrea tells her with no emotion in her voice and Mik shakes her head.

"No, I am just here for mole support." She tells her and Andrea looks up at her. "When I had to do this for my dad I wished there was someone there with me so I didn't feel so alone." Mik tells her and Andrea looks back down staring at Amy's face that is covered in blood.

"How long did it take you to do it?" Andrea asks after a couple of minutes of silence and Mik knows exactly what she's talking about.

"Right before he woke up as a walker, I was stuck in a room with his body for two weeks." She tells Andrea truthfully and Andrea looks at the girl not understanding how someone could go though the things she has without breaking but the truth was Mik didn't know either she just pushed herself to keep going every day.

They just sat there in silence well Andrea was looking at Amy and Mik was looking at the sky.


Mik was sitting in the closet in the hospital staring at her father's body that was covered in a sheet. She has been in the closet for two weeks stuck with her demons that never left her alone, the ones that made her skin crawl and hope blood goes cold.

"How could you do that to me Mickey?" She hears her father voice next to her there wasn't a day that want by that he didn't come to torture her she knows it's not really him because she looking at his body and her father never called her Mickey. "I am dead because you didn't get to me fast enough in the parking lot. I would be alive if you did." He whispers harshly into her ear as she has tears streaming down her face.

"You're not real." She whimpers to him, still not daring to look at him.

"I am as real as ever." He says as he gets up and crouches down in front of her she looks at him and sees her dad. "Don't I look real to you, Mickey." He asks as he stands back up and stands in the corner of the room.

Mik spent that whole getting tortured by the ghost of my father and next morning she woke up and finally decided choose gonna take her chances outside of the room she moves all the thing that her and her dad put in front of the door and slowly walks out of the room and and looks around seeing blood all over the walls as she walks down the hallway she comes to the end of the hall and see a chained door that starts moving and the hands of the dead starts coming out like there trying to grab her she just turns around and walks the other way she has no fight in her right now.

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