Killer Within

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"Mik woke up." Glenn says as he shakes her awake.

She slowly opens her eyes and raises a brow to him. "What do you want?" She asked him and she sat on her elbows.

"Rick told me to wake you up." He tells her we'll putting his hands up and walk out of her room.

She groans as she falls back on her bed then turns to Willow who is still sleeping and she starts waking him up like Glenn did to her.

"Time to wake up buddy." She says as she gets up and kisses his head as he looks at her annoyed making her roll her eyes.

She puts on a pair of blue jeans well, her cloak was wrapped around her waist and her hair was in a ponytail and she had a rad t-shirt that showed off most of her scares with her hat on and her badge on her belt with her pocket knife. Her dog tags were around her neck while her watch was on her west. She had her gun on her thigh and her bow and sword on her back.

She walks out of her room and goes to Hershel who has been getting better and Mik hoped that they could find a way to help him walk soon.

"Hey." She says to him as she walks into his room he looks up at her and gives her a smile.

"What are you doing up so early?" He asked her as she leaned against his door frame and shrugged her shoulders.

"Glenn woke me up and told me Rick wanted me." She says and Hershel nods. "And I just wanted to see how you are before I left." She tells him.

"Well I am fine and you better get going." He tells her and she smiles and gives him a hug before leaving.

She walks outside to see T-Dog, Rick, Carol and Daryl talking. She doesn't see Maggie or Glenn so she assumes that they are already doing something.

"Hey." She says as she walks up to them and they all give her a smile.

"We'll be moving the cars and I need you to move the dead walkers into piles so we can burn them." Rick tells her and she nods as he kisses her head.

She walks over to the yard with Willow and starts getting to work.

After making a big enough pile of walkers she started making a new pile well singing to herself.

"Come on boy hopefully we will be done soon." She says as he walks next to her with a huff.

"Mik go inside!" Rick calls out to her and she turns to see the two prisoners she looks at Daryl who gives her the 'you better get your ass inside look.' So she nods and starts walking away.

She takes a different way to the cell block for she wouldn't go back to the prisoners mostly because she knew Rick wouldn't want her near them and she didn't want to be near them.

What a mistake that was.

She was walking next to one of the buildings with Willow and when they turned a corner they came face to face with a bunch of walkers.

"Shit." She says as she takes out her sword and gun and starts stabbing and shooting the walkers.

She sees Willow attacking some of the walkers. "Willow, go back!" She screams at him as a walker grabs her arm making her drop her gun but she kicks it in the leg Breaking it in the head she turns around to see Willow gone making her sigh in relief.

The last thing she wanted was for her dog to be dead. She turns back to the walkers to see even more coming and some coming from the only other direction and when she looks at the ground for her gun she sees it in the middle of the swarm of walkers.

She looks around as she breathes heavily and sees a door to one of the buildings. She runs to it and kicks it open before shutting it and puts her back against the door to keep it shut as walkers try to follow her in.

As she looks around she sees she is in a small room like an office. It has a bookshelf and a desk and a couple of chairs in it.

"Fuck it." She says as she puts her sword back on her back and runs over to the desk pushing everything off of it and starts pushing it to the door.

Two walkers get in but she squishes them against the desk and wall as she puts the desk against the door she takes her sword out again and stabs the two walkers in the head.

As she stands in the middle of the room all she can hear of the walkers banging against the wall and growling she walks over to the only window that is pretty small and looks outside.

The only thing she can see is walkers there surrounding her and there is no way she could get out without dying.

She walks over to the corner of the room and sits down with her legs to her chest and her chin on her knees this is how I die she thinks to herself as a single tear drops down her face as she watches the shadows of the walkers from the window.

She can't help but think if her people are safe or if they are in the same mess she is in them it hits her that Lori wouldn't be able to run fast and if the walkers get her the baby will die.

She prays in her head that they are all okay as she closes her eyes trying her best to drown out the noise of the walkers.


She opens her eyes after a while when she hears the sound of screaming travel through the veins she jumps up.

She looks around trying to figure out a way out when she stops moving around and stairs at the walkers then takes her cloak off of her waist and puts it on.

She grabs her sword off the floor and walks over to the walkers cutting them open and gags as she grabs the guts and puts them all over herself.

She makes sure not to get the guts near anything Important.

After she was done she started moving the table. "Please let this work." She says as she opens the door and walkers instantly start coming in growling as they walk next to her.

She sighs in relief when they walk by her not even paying attention to her as she slowly starts walking with her sword in her right hand she keeps her head slightly down and she kills some walkers as she goes wanting to get rid of as many as she can but also not wanting to bring attention to herself.

She looks around to see where the end of the herd is and when she finds it she walks slowly to it trying her best not to fall or make a noise as she goes.

As she keeps going she feels like she is going to be sick from the sun beating down on her and the smell of walker guts all over her.

But she keeps walking when she gets to the end not stopping when she gets to the end she just keeps going, not taking a breath and she kills any walkers that are walking by her.

She walks to the front of the prison where she was first earlier, passing by many walkers as she goes and she can't help but look at each of them to see if one of them are her people.

She hears someone crying so she starts walking towards the crying. She feels like she is about to faint but she keeps going anyway because there is no way she was going to stop before finding her family.

She gets closer to the now closed gates and sees Maggie holding a baby covered in blood as she hears and Carl has his head down. She can see he is shaking but what really catches her attention is Rick go is on the ground sobbing.

She looks around as she gets closer and it hits her.

That's Loris' baby.

And Lori isn't here and by the way Carl and Rick are Mik assumes Lori is probably dead.

"Mik?" Daryl says as he sees her walking up to the gate everyone looks her way he starts to walk to her.

She looks sick and is covered in guts and blood. Some of them can't tell if she is human or a walker. She looks up at them with glossy blue eyes.

"What happened?" She says weekly before falling to the ground passing out.

Everyone but Rick who is still on the ground sobbing runs to the gate opening to get Mik and takes the cloak off of her and runs her inside.

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