Bloodletting/ Save the Last One

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(I will say when to play the song.)

Rick was running with Carl's unconscious body as Shane was carrying Mik who was in and out of consciousness.

"How far? How far?!" Rick asks practically screaming at the man behind him and Shane but he can't help it. How was he supposed to be calm? Both of his kids were bleeding out.

"Another hale mile that way. Hershel. Talk to Hershel and he'll help your kids." The man points in the direction and he and Shane start running until they see a big white house and run to it.

When they get there they see a woman with short brown hair and an old man with a white beard standing on the porch. "Were they bit?" The old man asks them as some people come up behind him.

"Shot. By your man." Rick told the man as they stepped in front of him.

"Otis?" An older woman asks as they come off the porch.

"He said find Hershel, is that you?" Rick asks as Hershel comes over and nods. "Help me. Help my kid." Rick begs the man.

"Get them inside." Hershel tells them and they quickly do as told.

"Patricia, I need my full kit. Maggie, painkillers, coagulates...grab everything." Hershel tells the woman as he rolls up his sleeves and brings Rick and Shane into a room that has a bed in the middle of it. "Clean towels, sheets, alcohol." He keeps saying as he rips the blanket off the bed. "Put them on here." He tells the two men and they do as told Carl was lying on the right side and Mik on the left. "Pillowcase." Hershel tells them and Shane does what he said but Rick is standing there looking at his kids.

"Are they alive?" He asks Hershel and doesn't get an answer as soon press is the pillowcase down on Mik side where she was shot.

Rick does as Hershel says but still keeps asking if he kids are ok alive when a blonde girl named Beth comes over to Shane. "I can do this." She tells him and he nods leaving the room as she sits on the side of the bed holding the pillowcase.

Hershel cheeks both Carls and Miks heartbeat. "I've got a heartbeat for both of them." He tells Rick, making the man sigh in relief. "And it looks like you will only need some stitches; the bullet only grazed the side of her stomach." Hershel tells Rick and he nods looking at both Mik and Carl who are pals.

Rick is forced to leave the room for Hershel and his family to help Carl and Mik and the woman with brown short hair is stitching up Mik when she starts waking up.

"What are you doing?" She groans as she looks at a random ceiling not knowing where she is or the people around her but only feeling pain from the needle that's going in and out of her.

"Honey I am helping stitch up your wound. I need you to stay still." Maggie tells her and Mik nods not really knowing what the fuck happened to her she looks to the side to see Carls pal body laying next to her.

"Carl?" She says as all the people who are around him look at the girl. "Is he okay?" She asks but nobody answers her as they go back to what they were doing. "Is He Okay!" She shouts at them as Rick comes bursting through the door.

"Mik there trying to help him but I need you to stay still so Maggie can stitch you up." He tells her trying to act calm for her and she sees right through it but nods anyway calming herself down as Maggie starts stitching her up again she ends up passing out halfway through not having the energy to keep herself awake any more.

The next time Mik wakes up the room is silent and it's just starting to get dark outside she looks to her left and sees Rick in a chair next to her. "Dad." She says her voice rough not having water Rick sits up looking at her surprised from what she called him.

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