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(I will tell you when to play the song.)

They were all sitting around silently eating their food. Mik was next to Daryl and Willow was at their feet eating food.

"How are you doing with everything?" Daryl whispers to her and she gives him a small smile.

"I am not okay but I am not horrible." She tells him he nods and then gives her the best smile he could give.

They all look over when Rick walks into the room Mik watches him she can see that he isn't okay and it almost seems like he isn't even in the same room as them.

"Everybody okay?" He asked as he walked in they all nod and Mik walks over to him and gives him a hug she didn't really know if that would help but it was the best she could do.

Rick kisses her head and holds her tight as if she would disappear if he didn't. After a second he let go and she walked back over to Daryl and Willow.

"What about you?" Hershel asked Rick.

"I cleared out the boiler block." Rick tells them and Mik looks at him like he is crazy.

"How many were there?" Daryl asked him and Mik looked at Rick waiting for an answer.

"I don't know. A dozen, maybe two dozen." He tells them like it is nothing.

"Why didn't you ask someone to help?" Mik asked him she didn't like that he was doing stuff like this by himself; she didn't want to lose another dad.

"I have it covered." Rick tells her then looks at the others not wanting to see the look she was giving him anymore. "I have to get back. I just wanted to check on Carl and Mik." He tells them as he pats Carl's back.

"Rick, we can handle it by taking out the body. You don't have to." Glenn says as he jumps up from his seat and Mik nods agreeing with him.

"No, I do." Rick tells Glenn as he goes to Daryl. "Everyone has a gun and a knife?" Rick asks him as he looks at Mik to make sure she has her sword, knife and bow which she does.

"Yeah. We're running low on ammo, though." Daryl tells Rick and the blue eyed man nods.

"Maggie, me and Mik were planning on making a run this afternoon." Glenn tells him as Rick looks at Mik then him. "Found a phone book with some places we can hit, look for bullets and formula." Glenn tells him.

"We cleared out the generator room." Daryl tells him. "Axel's there trying to fix it in case of emergency. We're going to sweep the lower Levon's well." Daryl tells Rick.

Rick nods then nails in front of Mik. "You stay close to Glenn and Maggie okay." He tells her and she nods then he gets up and starts walking out.

"Rick." Hershel says but Rick ignores him as he shuts the cafeteria door.

Mik looks down as the room becomes silent once again the only thing she can hear now is her thoughts.


Mik walked into her room with Willow. She grabbed her bag and made sure it was empty before leaving her room and going to Carl.

She walked into his room to see him with the baby. "Hey." She says making Carl look away from the baby and up at her. "I'm going to leave Willow here with you guys. Can you keep an eye on him?" She asks him and he nods as Mik kisses Willow's head and makes him sit next to Carl.

"Do you think dad will be okay?" Carl asks her as he looks down at the ground Mik looks at him for a minute not really knowing what to say but after a second she sits down next to him and grabs his hand.

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