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"Hey, are you guys alive in there?" The guy on the radio asks again and Mik and Rick run to the radio Mik sits next to him as Rick talks.

"Hello? Hello?" Rick says into the radio.

"There you are. You had me wondering." The guy says and Mik sighs in relief that the man is there.

"Where are you? Outside? Can you see us right now?" Rick asks as Mik grabs her bag because she has a feeling they're going to have to leave soon.

"Yeah, I can see you guys. You're surrounded by walkers. That's the bad news." The man tells them.

"There's good news?" Ricks asks, getting a little frustrated.

"No." The man tells them and Mik chuckles a little.

"Listen, whoever you are, I don't mind telling you we are a little confused here." Rick tells the man and Mik is just standing behind him not knowing what to do.

"Oh man. You should see it from over here. You'd have a major freak-out." The man says to them.

"Got any advice for us." Rick asks.

"Yeah, I'd say make a run for it." The man tells them and Mik looks at the radio with wide eyes.

"That's it? 'Make a run for it'?" Rick asks we'll Mik checks to see how many bullets she has in her clip even though she is going to try to use just her sword to not gain any more attention to her and Rick.

"My ways not as dumb as it sounds. You've got eyes on the outside here. There's one geek still up on the tank but the others have climbed down and joined the feeding frenzy where the horse went down. The man tells them and Mik looks at the ground.

"I liked that horse." She says to herself as she kicks a hat that's on the ground.

"With me so far?" The man asks as Mik starts getting impatient.

"So far." Rick tells him.

"Okay, the street on the other side of the tank is less crowded. If you move now while they're distracted, you stand a chance." The man tells them and they nod even though he can't see them. "Got ammo?" The man asks them and Rick looks at his clip.

"I got 17 in my clip, Rick." Mik tells him and he nods that she has her sword in her left hand and her gun in her right hand.

"In that duffel bag I dropped out there, and guns can I get it?" Rick asks.

"Forget the bag, okay? It's not an option." The man tells them and Mik shakes her head. We need the radio so we can talk to Morgan and Duane. She thinks to herself. "What do you have on you?" The man asks them.

"Hang on." Rick tell him we'll he grabs his guns and checks the clip then goes over to the dead army guy and looks in his pockets but find nothing but he does find a bomb on the wall next to him. "Yeah yeah." Ricks says as he puts the bomb in his pocket. Then goes back to the radio. "I've got a beretta with one clip, 15 rounds. And Mik, the girl I am with, has 17 rounds." Rick tells him.

"Make ''em count. Jump off the right side of the tank, keep going in that direction. There's an alley up the street, maybe 50 yards. Be there." The man told them.

"Hey, what's your name?" Rick asks him.

"Have you been listening? You're running out of time." He tells them and they get ready to leave.

They quickly get out of the tank shooting and stabbing any walkers that get in the way Rick keeps Mik right next to him the whole time they quickly turn a corner and are met with a guy.

"Whoa! Not dead!" A Korean man screams at Rick as Rick has his gun in the guy's face. "Come on! Come on!" The man says as they run in the alleyway and close the gate but the walkers get in as Rick and Mik shot at them "Back here! Come on! Come on!" The man shouts as they run to a ladder.

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