Made to Suffer

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(Warning: Talk about r@pe)

Mik didn't know how long it had been but it felt like days, it seems she was left in the room and she didn't really care she would rather be left alone then have that man in here with her.

She was cold from her shirt being cut open. She was tired from the blood loss but she wouldn't let herself fall asleep because at least she could try to defend herself if someone came in here while she's awake but she wouldn't be able to do that if she's asleep.

She hoped that Maggie and Glenn were doing better than she was at the moment she started hearing people walking making her look around for a way out but there wasn't any and she didn't have the energy or strength to try and break the chair.

She hated the fact she would probably never see her family again and she would never figure out if they named the baby.

So she was stuck sitting there as she waited for someone to come and torture her for answers that she wouldn't give them which would lead to more torturing.

"Are you really just going to give up Mik?" Shane asked her as she looks over at the door.

When the door opens she sees the man again. He has a smirk on his face as he walks in and sees her with tears staining her face.

"It's nice to see you again." He says as he sits in the chair in front of her Mik doesn't say anything she only looks down and he doesn't seem to like that as he roughly grabs her chin and makes her look right into his brown eyes. "I don't know if I told you last time but my name is Mike." He says as he brings his hand up to her face putting a piece of hair behind her ear she shivers when he puts his hand on check.

Mik has been afraid many times in her life but this was this was a different kind of fear this was the kind of fear nobody wants to have but some or just unlucky.

"You are a pretty one." He says as he leans in closer to her face Mik tries to back up to her chair but there is nowhere for her to go.

"Even I ain't that gross." Shane says as Mik closes her eyes again but that earned her a slap to the face.

He roughly puts his lips on her kissing her as Mik try's to get away she feels him put his hand on her bare waist as she starts kicking her legs making the tap on her leg start to rip.

"Kill him Mik." Shane tells her.

Mike pulls back with the same smirk and Mik give him her own smirk when she feels her leg free from the tape she brings her leg up kicking him in between his legs making him drop to the floor.

Mik moves the chair closer to him kicking him when she gets closer to him she starts stomping her feet on his stomach as he tries to hit her but every time he tries she kicks his face and arms she starts stomping on his legs eventually breaking them both.

When he stops fighting Mik takes a breath but she isn't done yet as she moves over to his head. "Please stop." He begs as he sees her being both her legs over his head.

"No." Is all she says before bringing her feet down on his face over and over again she can feel his bones breaking but she doesn't stop until he is dead.

When he is finally dead Mik sits staring at his body in shock and release but when she hears someone coming her where again she remembers that it's not over she isn't safe and when they see what she did to Mike they were definitely going to kill her. And she Shane wasn't here anymore which was a relief.

She starts trying to get her arms untied but they use more tape on her arms then lags. As if I could only kill someone with my arms. She thinks as she keeps trying but stops like a deer in the headlights as the door opens.

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