Arrow on the Doorpost

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Mik was with the others as they loaded guns and Willow was standing right next to her leg as she organized ammo and guns. It was the only thing she could do to keep herself distracted and not think about the fact that Rick, Daryl and Hershel were meeting with the Governor.

She knew that nothing good was going to come out of the meeting.

"Carl, come here." Glenn tells Carl who walks over to him. "You stash these at the loading dock. All right?" Glenn tells him making Carl nod and grab the ammo. "Beth, put more up on the catwalk." Glenn tells Beth who also nods. "If anyone gets pinned down, we need to make sure that they have plenty of ammo." Glenn tells them as Mik nods. "I'll go work on the cage outside."

"What we should be doing is loading some of this firepower in a truck and paying a visit to the Governor." Merle tells them making Mik scoff.

"No, that would be stupid because I wouldn't know what we are running into." Mik tells him but he ignores her statement.

"We know where he is right now." Merle told them as Glenn stopped to look over at him.

"Are you suggesting that we just go in and kill him?" Glenn asked Merle who shrugs.

"Yeah, I am." Merle tells Glenn as Mik throws her hands up into the air.

"We told Rick and Daryl that we'd stay put." Michonne tells him as Mik nods they all know war is coming they might as well wait to get prepared for it Instead of going in guns blazing just to get killed.

"I've changed my mind, sweetheart. Being on the sideline with my brother out there ain't sitting right with me." Merle tells Michonne.

"The three of them are right in the middle of it. No idea we're coming. They could get taken hostage or killed. A thousand things could go wrong." Glenn tells Merle, making Mik nod there was no way.

"And they will." Merle tells Glenn as he and Carl go to leave.

"Our dad can take care of himself." Carl says as he looks over at Mik who he can tell is nervous.

"Sorry, son, but your dad's head could be on a pike real son." Merle tells Carl as he leaves the room and Mik glares daggers at him.

"Why don't you shut the hell up." Mik says as Maggie puts a hand on her shoulder making her relax.

"Don't say that to them." Maggie tells Merle as she starts loading guns.

"It's not the right move. Not now. Can't take the risk of putting them in the crossfire. That's my decision. It's final." Glenn tells Merle after looking over at Maggie and Mik before he walks out of the room behind Carl.

Mik glares at Merle for a little bit longer before she goes back to helping Maggie.


Mik was outside with Willow setting up guns and making sure everything was where they should be. She kept herself busy so she wouldn't think about all the things that could go wrong.

And when Rick, Glenn and Hershel got back they all were in the prison together to hear what Rick has to say and by his face Mik knows it's not good news.

"So, I met this Governor. Sat with him for quite a while.." Rick says as Mik sits on the stars next to Willow whose head is in her lap.

"Just the two of you?" Merle asked Rick who stopped for a second before nodding his head.

"Yeah." Rick tells him.

"Should have gone when we had the chance, bro." Merle tells Glenn who just glares at him.

"He wants the prison." Rick tells them all, making Mik sit up a little as she listens to him. "He wants us gone. Dead. He wants us dead for what we did to Woodbury." He tells them as Mik looks around she can tell everyone is nervous like she is.

"We're going to war." Rick tells them before walking away as Mik slowly nods she knew this was coming but that doesn't mean she was not scared.

"Come on Willow." Mik tells her dog as they get up and walk to their room.

Mik just puts on some comfortable pants with a big T-shirt and lays down so if we stay in fight, looking at the ceiling.

She tries to make herself believe things will be better soon but she know deep down that things will probably never be better again.

So she just closes her eyes falling to sleep.


Hi guys I am so sorry it has taken me so long to update this book along with all the others I am doing my life just has been pretty hectic lately but I am going to try and update my books more often soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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