I Ain't a Judas

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Mik didn't really know how she got to the person she was today but every now and then she would stop to think about what would happen if her mother didn't beat her and she grow up like the other kids in her class playing with toys and having fun but then she would remind herself that the reason she is alive today is because she didn't grow up like the other kids.

She had to grow up fast and that is something she slowly got okay with because it kept her alive.

When Mik got inside the prison she was covered in walker blood but that didn't bother her as much as the fact that the Governor put a whole bunch of walkers right outside and most of them were still there and there were more coming in because the fucking asswhole broke the gate. And everyone was on egd not just because of what happened but also because Merle was now here.

And all she wanted to do was lay down with Willow who was also covered in blood but sleep wasn't something any of them were going to get anytime soon. Mik watched Rick and she could tell he wasn't really here; he was thinking about something eales.

"Do you think he finally cracked?" Shane asked MIk who can feel the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She tried her best to look normal but it was hard when the man you killed the ghost is haunting you. "Oh come on MIk don't you think it rude to ignore someone? I thought me and you would be friends after a help you kill that guy." He asked her in a teasing voice, making her roll her eyes.

"Go to hell." Mik snaps whispers making Carl look down at her confused but she just gives him a fake smile before looking forward acting like nothing happened.

"Maybe Rick isn't the one cracking." Shane says making Mik look down at her hands, maybe she was the one that was going to brake. She wouldn't be surprised if she did brake and go crazy; she isn't as strong as the others are.

"We're not leaving." Rick tells everyone as Mik looks up from her hands.

"We can't stay here." Herschel tells him as Mik looks in between them she didn't think it was a good idea to leave one because they had Judith to worry about and two because the Governor and his people to ambush them the second they get away from the prison.

"What if there's another sniper? A wood pallet won't stop one of those rounds." Maggie tells Rick as Mik walks over to Beth who is holding Judith Mik smiles at Judith as the baby grabs one of her fingers not letting it go.

"You're a good big sister." Beth tells her making Mik smile at the beautiful blond she wasn't used to being the older sibling mostly because the only sibling she had was Carl and he was older then her.

They both look at the grown ups. "We can't even go outside." Beth says.

"Not in the daylight." Carol tells her as Mik looks down at Judith and kisses her head before walking away and sitting on the stars.

"It's better than being dead." She whispers to herself as she looks at everyone.

"Rick says we're not running, we're not running." Glenn tells everyone as Mik looks over at him.

"No, better to live like rats." Merle tells them from the cell they have him locked in making MIk roll her eyes.

"Don't you ever shut up." Mik asked him, making him fake smile at her before giving her the finger.

"No one was talking to you scarface." Merle tells her as she sticks up both of her hands giving him the finger with both.

"At least I have both my hands. Unlike some people." Mik says with a smirk making Merle look at her with wide eyes then after his shock he goes to say something but Rick stops him.

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