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(I Will Tell You When To Play The Song. And please remember to vote and comment.)

Mik was with Daryl and Willow well they search the house she is wearing black jeans with a red t-shirt and she had a black type of cloak on with the hood up Glenn found it for her during winter and she had her badge with her and pocket knife on her belt and her dog tags an on like always with Dale's watch on her right wrist she hasn't taken it off scenes Dale died and her her back right pocket was her hat just because she wasn't wearing it doesn't mean she wouldn't keep it close.

She had her sword in her back with arrows making an X on her back and her bow in her hand. Her gun was on her thigh.

Daryl had been teaching her how to use a bow scene when they left the farm and they have gotten closer scenes then.

She was still good friends with Glenn, Maggie and T-Dog and Beth and her and Rick are still the same which is good but Carl has become crabby but he was still nice to Mik and Rick tells her he is crabby because he is becoming a teen.

Hershel has become like a grandpa for her, always checking on her and Mik and Carol have become a little closer seeing as the fact Carol and Daryl are friends.

And Lori is still a bitch but Mik just ignores her and Mik sometimes gives her her food for Rick won't have to.

Daryl and Mik make it upstairs both of them have their bows up and ready to shoot.

Daryl signals to Mik to be ready because he is about to open a door to a room she sees a walker and instantly puts an arrow in its head Willow growls a little letting them know something is in there.

Willow has gotten a lot bigger since they left the farm and now can take down walkers mostly by himself but sometimes he brings Mik the hands or feet of the walkers he kills and he would eat anything he would find in the woods.

"Good job kid." He says as they walk into the room and see an owl and Daryl kills it as Mik takes off her hood revealing her long black hair that has three braids at the top of her head and goes down forming into a ponytail.

"God I am so fucking tired." She says as she leans against the wall and Daryl looks at her and nods.

They haven't been able to stop for a while and when they do stop it's never for long which means barely ever eating no sleep not that Mik could sleep much even when she wanted to.

"Do you think we will ever find a place that we can stay longer than one day?" She asked Daryl as she looked out the window.

Daryl looks at her for a moment. He knows that what happened the last day on the farm changed her but somehow she still finds ways to smile at others and to make jokes but he fears the longer there on the road the more broken she will become.

"Yeah." He tells her then grabs her shoulder and brings her downstairs as Willow follows them.

They go downstairs and Carol gives Mik her bag with a soft smile.

"Thanks." She says and the woman nods and pats her head.

Mik was sitting on the ground in the corner as Willow sat in between her legs. She was drawing a tree with birds flying out of it in her notebook that was held together by a type of leather leather folder that she had found in a basement of a cabin they slept in the winter.

She spent a lot of time thinking about random things and paying attention to the weather. If it's correct in a couple of months she should be sevan but she wasn't completely sure.

Carl came into the room wearing his service hat with his long hair poking out of the ends of it and everyone looked at him as he started opening a can. Mik couldn't see what it was so she assumed he found himself some food.

The New World (1) (TWD) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang