Chapter 11: Aromatic Romance

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The ladies and I spoke about fitness last night over a cup of fine wine. The conversation was sparked thanks to our desire for a bit more exercise throughout our day. Bismarck and Tirpitz jested about a home gym. To which to get to, all we have to do is get up and start exercising. 

The only thing holding us back was... where do we put it? How many machines do we need? What style will the home gym's surroundings be?

Questions... to which I did not have answers to. Until now. If I could get out of my lovers' hug...!

Getting out of bed, I head straight for the wisdom cube not far from our bed. Staring at it, I ponder over how to pick it up. I'm not from the girls' universe... this might as well burn my hands. Please don't!

Holding it, my anxiety fades as I notice how light it is.

Bringing it downstairs, I hold it up in the immense second living room. Concentrating for the cube to produce me a paper with all the dimensions of this space.
Feeling tingling in my left hand, I look as an actual piece of paper manifests in my hand. With every piece of data I need! Even more than that!

With this done. I bring it back upstairs and find the bed empty...

Thankfully the smell of coffee lures me. I leave the paper on my desk and follow the scent.

Smiling brightly, they wave at me. Communicating with the other in a soft tone. As if it is in direct connection with the environment outside. No hefty winds, no birds, nothing.
Bismarck - Kommandant, was the wisdom cube of use to you?
Tirpitz - We hope you knew how to use it.
- I did! It was quite easy actually... contrary to my expectation.

Tirpitz & Bismarck -  As we expected.
- Huh? | Are they doing experiments on me?
Bismarck - Don't worry. We're just happy you used it for your task. 
Tirpitz - Instead of doing it another - more painful way. | Did they catch... on?
Sliding me my signed mug, the girls sit down and chat. 

- Girls... how about we actually make a home gym? | I blurt it out.
Bismarck & Tirpitz - We get to see you top naked everyday?!
- That too. Though... It's that impressive.
Tirpitz - Pfff! Someone doesn't know they pack a punch. | Tirpitz teases.
Bismarck - Kommandant, we agree to your proposal - as we'd li-- love to exercise with you on an almost daily basis. It will also prove that you have more strength than you know of. | Bismarck proudly speaks.

- I'd also love to see you two in gym wear. 
Tirpitz - Deal!
Bismarck - Huh?!
- Once it's done, I will work out without a top. But you two will wear sexy gym wear just for me. 
Bismarck - W-Warten Sie! Herr Kommandant!
Tirpitz - I can't wait to see your back just... | She takes a deep breath.

The two of them are quite attracted to my back, though it's simply broad - they like it.
Bismarck - Tirpitz! How are we supposed to work out when he stares at us the entire time!
Tirpitz - I didn't think of that...
- Who said I'm simply gonna watch?
Tirpitz & Bismarck - Ehh?! | They become bright red.

- Now that it is settled. I thought of doing it downstairs. | I explain to them broadly what my plan is.
Bismarck - Why not upstairs? We still have a spare room.
Tirpitz - We can also modify it if needed.
- The kitchen isn't in reach. We won't have a TV there for entertainment when we decide to pedal.
Bismarck & Tirpitz - Let's do it downstairs!
Nodding at them, I pull out my phone.
Bismarck - Kommandant, why not use the cube?
Tirpitz - It can generate everything and anything.
- Even if we agreed on not using it to generate goods... we'd have to wait months for everything to arrive otherwise.
Smiling, the girls shoot out of the kitchen to go grab it.

I start to wash the mugs and set them away, just as Bismarck and Tirpitz return. The former holding out the cube, the latter holding the paper the cube made for me earlier.
Bismarck - It's working! 
Tirpitz - Concentrate, Schwester~.
Bismarck - Right!
Tirpitz - Kommandant, we hope you will like this. | Just as the manifestation of their thoughts finishes...

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