Chapter 14: Mighty Card Game

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Gazing upon the ceiling with trembling eyelids. I shoot out of the blankets and take a look around the house.

Branches, twigs and logs litter the ground. The storm's aftermath reaches as far as the eye can see.

Strolling downstairs, I find two blankets cuddling. Leaning over them, my two adorable partners gaze at me with surprise and joy.
Bismarck - Kommandant~...
Tirpitz - There's no more room for you. Only if you make some~.
- Later, perhaps. Did you two eat?

Bismarck - We haven't. Nothing proper at least...
- You two can cook anything you want. Ya know?
Tirpitz - We know. Your food tastes... better than ours. | My mind springs to a conclusion that my lovers are too shy to express.

- I'll make something nice after I check outside.
Tirpitz - Outside?!
- It's not raining anymore. I need to check on the roof and gate.
Bismarck - A-Alright.
Settling back down to their cozy spots - knowing I need to do a check on the outside, they return to their tablets.

The pool, covered in leaves, sticks. Same goes for the roof.

Over at the gate, two large branches cover the road on this side. Lifting one end - I move it to the side for later. I yeet aside a few other twigs with my feet - as if this was soccer. The sky remains gray.

Inside again, the sweet smell of corn lures me in. The kitchens' lively with talk of food.
- Corn and?
Tirpitz - Beef!
Bismarck - Don't burn it!
Tirpitz - I'm trying!
Bismarck - Kommandant, sit down. 

- What's the inspiration?
Bismarck - The time of year?
Tirpitz - Christmas already?
- Not yet. But it'll be soon enough. | Time flies... For something that's depressing for a mere human like me. I've ascended a while back, continuing to serve my existence's wish.
Bismarck - The atmosphere, the gifts, the laughter!

I sense, a link between this conversation and their desire to accomplish something.

Tirpitz - Ahh!
Bismarck - Is it burnt?!
Tirpitz - Bring me his plate! Quickly! It's perfect! | Bismarck stretches across the table with elegance.
- Is this lunch already?

Bismarck - Kommandant, you woke up late today~.
- I see. 
Sitting down, I stare the at steaming steak and sweet corn.
Tirpitz - Thinking of work again, Kommandant?
- Not at all. I'm waiting for you two.
Smiling at me, they set down with their own plates.

Following a heavy lunch, we skip the break and head straight for our chores. The girls assigned me to the laundry, thus I collected every piece of clothing for a tour in the washing machine.

The machine slowly starts to rumble, I take out what the dryer... dried. 

A sneeze sounds from downstairs, followed by a second one. Certain about the sources, I investigate. Finding them blowing their noses and attempting not to shiver.
- Go upstairs and change clothes, I'll make you something warm.
Bismarck - S-Sofort.... *sniffle* Ugh....
Tirpitz - Achoo! How can this... *sniffle* happen?
- There's a lot of factors, don't ponder - get warmer clothes. I'll wait.

My past experience finally comes in handy for taking care of them!

There's a powder that one mixes with water, containing various vitamins and medical substances that I got not clue off. Only thing I know for certain is... that it helps. A lot.

Boiling water in hand, I pour it over the fine white powder. Why does this sound so... bad? White powder...

Layer over layer, hoodies and vests - two pairs of socks and a hood over their heads. My girls return to me. Armed to the nail with clothing.
Bismarck - What's this lemon smell?
Tirpitz - What's inside these cups?
- Medicine!
Tirpitz - Not very convincing...

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