Chapter 26: Mighty Christmas Eve

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Waking to a loud whistle from the folded window, I shoot towards it to close it. The sharkos stretch as they listen to me mumbling.
- Morning you Keks, Denker. How did you two sleep? | I don't know why I asked, it's quite evident how they slept.
Taking in the temperature around me, I check my phone for an exact measurement. Almost each room in the house has a device that measures the temperature accurately. Noticing that the temp dropped by a few degrees, I hear the radiators turning on.

With that almost mechanical sound, my women awaken from their slumber. Rubbing their eyes and fixing their shirts. 
Bismarck - Liebster~!
Tirpitz - We want to cuddle more~!
- Today's Christmas girls, we'll cuddle as much as you two want later. First, we have to get ready for the festivity.
Tirpitz & Bismarck - Alright~.

The sisters leave the bedroom for the kitchen. I follow them.

As per usual, we enjoy our morning brews at the table. Just as my nose decided I need to sneeze.
Tirpitz - Gesundheit!
Bismarck - Kommandant, are you cold?
- I have no idea why I just ---- Achoooo! | The sisters begin to look at me with puppy eyes, as they scoot over to my side - rubbing my back and humming.
Bismarck - A tea will do it, you'll feel better. | I notice they exchange nods.
Tirpitz - On it~!
- I hope I don't get sick... | Bismarck rubs my back, looking worried.

Tirpitz - Tee ist hier! Kommandant, I added honey instead of sugar.
- Perfect. Thank you, dear. 
Taking the first sip, the flavor of the tea captivates me - I desire to drink even more.
Bismarck - Lay down for a bit. Of course, after you've drank your tea.
Tirpitz - We'll lay with you.
- What about the preps...? | My worry for not accomplishing our plans grows.
Tirpitz - We'll take care of it. Don't worry~.
Bismarck - Once you're sound asleep, we'll check on you regularly. | They both give me a kiss on the head, I slowly get up and lay onto the couch. Keks and Denker join me. 

Bismarck - There you go. The cutest trio~!
Tirpitz - They look so adorable laying like that~!
I smile as I feel my body heating up. I dread what could be on its way.

I awake from the nap, the girls sip on their steaming drinks - consistently drawing circles on my back and left shoulder.
Bismarck - Slept well, Liebster? | She smiles warmly at me. Her feminine aura shines brightly.
Tirpitz - Liebster~, you only took a one hour nap. Wanna take longer one?
- I'm feeling better, thank you. Wanna get started on the food?

The sisters share a gaze of worry, but quickly turn it into a smile.
Bismarck - Let's begin. Liebster.
As they help me stand up, I feel everything spinning and quickly sit back down. Fighting, so that I can open my eyes without immediately feeling like passing out.
Tirpitz - A bit too quickly, to stand up - Kommandant~.
I hold their hands as I attempt to stand up again. Now, I feel normal - except the lurking fever.

Continuing to hum as I take my next step, I feel my body gradually recovering - yet the feeling of a upcoming fever is still present.

In the Kitchen, the sharkos jump on my lap and watch as their wearers take out: butter, biscuits, mild and the entire stock of eggs.
- Why the eggs?
Tirpitz - Kuchen!
Bismarck - We'll try... We're not sure it'll keep its structural integrity.
- Will it be a cream cake?
Tirpitz - Most of it will be. | I smile gently.

Admiring their teamwork, the sharkos and I begin to feel hungry. They occasionally lick their jaws, while my stomach grumbles.

From the early afternoon, to the arrival of the evening - the girls didn't stop to take a break. Continuing to bake, cook and set aside for tonight's dinner. That is also when I will hand them their gifts.

After the cooking and baking was done, the girls and I got comfy on the couch. From a runny nose, a sore throat and aching muscles - through my partners caring touch, it all got much better. It's incredible how the presence of my loved ones fights the cold better than most medicine.

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