Chapter 45: Adequate Home Remodeling

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I awake to the sun stinging my skin, I find myself not in our comfy bed - but the sandy beach of our island in a... Universe? A space between space and time? My wives know the science behind this, I have yet to ask them and hope to understand every bit. Or ask them to explain it to me slowly and in great detail.

Regardless, I take off my sun glasses made from Iron Blood material. It's super light, sturdy as titanium and... fashionable as heck.

The mini sharkos bop into beach chair, stunned from the impact, they look up at me and wag their tails.
Alfred - Aaa! Did you get hurt? | My Kinder rush to their sharkos' side.
- They are fine, look. They even wag their tails. 
Erika - But they hit the chair with their little heads... Poor things. | My daughters comfort the little beings.
- Where are your Mamas?
Frederika - There! In the water! | I look out onto the seemingly-infinite ocean... I see my women speeding towards us with excellent poses on their Torpedoes. 

- They seem to be returning. | As I speak, my wives dock and casually stroll towards me. 
Bismarck - Time to have fun, Kinder, here! | She lovingly hands out miniature versions of their Project "Fisch" Torpedo surf "boards".
Tirpitz - I'll show you how it works! | She explains to the Kinder how to start, stop, slow down, speed up. All the mechanics on the Torpedo.

Tirpitz - Your sharkos can also keep up with you! | I nod with a grin. Size truly doesn't matter.
My wives shoot grins back at me, I let go of my own and force a smile - as the fear for their loving touch sets in. 

My Kinder immediately hop onto their new toys and shoot off, their trail is a stream linear gap in the water - there's also a secondary one... produced by their little sharkos as they use their tails as a propellers. They indeed keep up with the Kinder. I shoot a gaze over to my wives - which have created an entire monitoring station with screens that range from the weather, to the finest change in the Kinders' speed. I love my mighty women!

I grin proudly as I hand them a soda each. Leaving enough for our kinder. I watch as the Kinder speed on the water around our island, their joyous laughs echo far and wide.

As the hours pass, I take quite a few trips back and forth between our island and our home. My wives told me to prepare the surprise for our Kinder. Keks and Denker are with me as I look at the four room for our Kinder, furnished and painted. I might have to look into their individual hobbies, see what I can give them for Christmas this year. That. Can still wait. A little while.

My wives and the Kinder return home, the little sharkos share their exhausted expression with their respective holder.
Tirpitz - Let's go see what Papa prepared for you four. 
Bismarck - You mean, eight, Schwester. Forgot about their sharkos?
Tirpitz - I-I didn't! | She pouts at Bismarck.
Bismarck - It's fine, we all forget. | She smiles at her pouting sister, as they lead their Kinder towards me.

The hallway is spacious, my women used their dark wisdom cube to alter our home a bit. Our bedroom has been pushed to the side to make room for the now-larger bathroom. 

At the end towards our yard, is a large sliding glass door, leading to a large terrace for us to relax on, with umbrellas and beach chairs. On the opposite end, lies the expanded bathroom, it retains its two immense roof window that now reach all the way to the bathtub's edges - thus we can still look at the starry sky and even glance at the city lights... all from the comfort of our adequately-sized family bathtub.

Finally, I open the all the doors towards their individual rooms and await their reactions. 

Without a word of warning, they rush off to lay on their grand beds and roll around. They look out the windows, they can view the city and our yard - the portion leading up to the gate. Their carpets have a smooth texture, featuring the Iron Blood sigil. The walls are a plain white as is the ceiling - I can paint it over at some later point to whatever color they want.

They laugh joyously as they explore their new rooms, pulling their Mamas into each of them so that they can present it to them. 
I walk into each of their rooms and form a smile on my face, Keks and Denker follow me as they observe their little "wearers" enjoy their new territory. 

As my family takes a late-lunch, I get an emergency call to fix a major error in a design before night even begins. 
Bismarck - It's okay. We'll have dinner together, the last meal of the day.
Tirpitz - Totally, work is work. We'll have dinner on the way as soon as you finish. | I give them a nod, remarking their sad tones.
- You two... make it sound like we're never going to eat meal again after today.
Tirpitz - Silly Liebster! | They erupt into laughter.
Bismarck - Liebster~...! We're just sore from all the swimming and playing. | They remind me of their hours spent running and swimming with their Kinder.
- Right... I... slept through it at the end. 

Bismarck & Tirpitz - You needed the rest. You do so much for us. Now go work, aller geliebter Liebster.
- I will. Once I am done, please start on dinner. Okay?
Tirpitz & Bismarck - Absolutely~!

I sit down on the couch, as my family heads to the upstairs living room - just across from the Kinders' rooms. It has a comfy carpet to sit on, similar to a Tatami mat, and a large table. To play or learn on. 

Working through the late hours of the afternoon, I decide to ease my brain and take a listen to the pens tracing across papers upstairs - as it is a "open" living room, meaning the only "walls" it has are the railings.

Turning back to my work with sigh, I listen to the opening of a few - presumably small - LEGO sets. I form a smile as I anticipate my family's joy.

My work comes to an end, just as I was getting hungry. I send the project back and await the payment, a solid sum.

Sitting at the dinner table, I watch my wives prepare dinner. Our Kinder tap away on their devices, sharing with each other their individual findings.
I listen in on my wives' talk, sensing some pout-energy from them.
Bismarck - I want them to show me stuff like that too~... | She pouts heavily at her sister.
Tirpitz - They did and always will, Schwester~. | Bismarck continues to pout, sighing as she does so.

Once dinner is over, we wait for our Kinder to take baths or showers - whatever they prefer, we now have both a massive bathtub and a adequately massive shower cabin.
As they exit, we watch as they hug us and head to their respective rooms with their little sharkos.

Entering our own bedroom, we immediately notice the lack of our Kinders' presence here. Fond of the memories when we built LEGOs with them and tended to them as they grew up. 
- We can always call them to build again... | My wives nuzzle their heads into my neck, I put my arms around their shoulders, squeezing them tightly.

After a long while, we sit down at our gaming set-ups again, booting our machines up and heading straight into our favorite games - we maintain our previous coordination and communication across our games.

Taking a look outside - while we wait for a loading screen, we gaze at the city lights. My wives squeeze my hands tightly, I smile warmly at them.
As the loading screen finishes, my wives check their inventories and immediately want to fast travel to a town to sell their valuables. I nod proudly as I realize our gaming nights return, be it in a lesser form or not. 

Bismarck and Tirpitz nudge my ribs, asking me kindly to bring them a few sodas - I'll bring some snacks too.
- Anything for you two. | I stand up, I quickly think of how much of a selection I can bring them and head for the door, as I glance at them professionally turning items into billions for the three of us to go on a spending spree.

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