Chapter 24: Mighty Shark Beds

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Taken out of my sleep by sweat running down my spine, I shoot out of bed downstairs to the heater room. Completely disregarding my drenched shirt. The sharks follow me quickly, curious what the rush it about. 

Turning the heater down a few levels, after I turned it up last night, I slowly head upstairs again to wake my girls and e--e... eeeee.... eeeeee--Achuuu!
Jump scared, the sharks run ahead of me, not out of fear, but to let my women know everything is fine - if they woke up by my battleship cannon-sized sneeze.

Bismarck - Kommandant!
Tirpitz - He's drenched! Denker, bring me one of his shirts! Quickly!
- Sorry to wake you like this...
Without another word, they rush to me, take off my drenched shirt and put a new one on me - whilst pushing me upstairs.

The air in our bedroom is hot and dry, I can't get air... 

Signaling my girls to go downstairs, they join me. The sharks, are unaffected by the air.
Tirpitz - I'll make him a tea! | Tirpitz shoots over to the counter, my signed mug - a tea bag and the jar of honey waiting.
Bismarck - We forgot to turn down the heat~. Oh~, Kommandant~... What if you get sick? | She hugs me, rubbing my back aggressively. 
- I won't, it's just a little sniffle.
Tirpitz - How much honey do you want?
- Little more than a spoon, please dear.

- Are the sharks resistant to temperatures?
Tirpitz - Nope. They're just like normal animals. Nothing Iron Blood techy.
- Look at them. They're fine.
Bismarck looks at her own rigging, analyzing Keks.

Tirpitz - He's fine, Schwester. They're not that sensitive. | She serves me my tea.
I'm curious myself, for their own good - if they are drenched too - we have to act.

Bismarck - Slept on the floor? | She looks at Keks.
Denker shoots over to Tirpitz, demanding - via continues gentle scratching on her leg - that he be held by her. 
- Warm air rises, it's lighter than cold a-aa-a... Achuu!
Tirpitz & Bismarck - Bless you, Kommandant.
Bismarck - Now that you mention it... It makes sense now, that they are unaffected.

- You two go take a shower.
Bismarck - After we've taken care of you.
Tirpitz - I'll get you a blanket.
- No need, Tirpitz.
Tirpitz - Then... your winter indoor shoes!
- I'd like those. Please.
Tirpitz  - On the way~!

Bismarck - Keks, go see if it's still hot upstairs. | In her arms, he salutes his wearer and when she sets him down - like a missile, he's off - sliding as he takes the turn to go upstairs.
- I turned the heater down to minimum, that way - it'll jump back on when it's below normal temperature.
Tirpitz - Thank you, Kommandant. We should've reminded you...
- Don't blame yourselves, ladies. I'm the man of the house, I take responsibility for you two begin comfortable and safe. 
Bismarck - We take care of the food and... Loving you!
- I-I do the same!
Tirpitz - Flustered him, sis! Nice...! | They high-five each other.

Keks returns, happily marching towards us - reporting... a significant change.
- I'll open the windows for 5 minutes, you two take a shower - please. | Tea in hand, with indoor shoes on my feet - I head upstairs determined to own up to my mistake.

Changing the bedwear, opening the windows and hoping not to sneeze like a battleship cannon again, I wait.
I hear my partners calling out to me, telling me they're in the bathroom now.

- Why are you two here? | Keks and Denker casually waltz in.
They sit in front of me and tilt their head.
- The girls are taking a bath, go in with them.
They shake their head and stare at me. 
- Suppose... you got a direct order from them?
The sharks nod. 
- Well... That changes things.

Steam flows into the bedroom as I quickly close the window. Wondering if the bathroom door is open...
Tirpitz - Kommandant~, we need a towel~!
- On it! | I quickly go hand them two towels. Just in case.
Tirpitz - Thanks!
- Take it easy, no need to hurry.

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