Incorrect Ocean's 8 quotes ~ 20

249 13 17

*Debbie sitting on the couch, while Lou talks continuously*

Lou: You want cookies

Lou: You want cookies and chocolates

Lou: you want to fuck

Lou: You want to fuck while eating cookies

Lou: Let's be sad about trivial things, shall we?

*Tammy and Daphne walk in*

Lou: Let's go hysterical

Tammy: What's going on here? Debbie?

Lou: Let's kill Tammy

Tammy: Excuse me, what the-

Lou: Let's kill Daphne too

Daphne: Hey-

Lou: Let's kill Tammy and Daphne and eat their cookies and chocolates

Tammy and Daphne: Wha-

Lou: *hugging Debbie* Shh it's okay, you'll feel better

Lou: *suddenly pushes Debbie away* HAHAHAHA NO YOU WON'T, CUNT! FUCK YOU

Lou: Whoopsie, you dropped a spoon. You better cry now

Tammy: *holding Lou's hand* Okay, what the fuck is going on!

Lou: Oh, nothing much. Debbie said she missed her periods this month. I just am giving her the experience of how it is during periods.


Debbie: I told you to get a bottle of scotch. Didn't tell you to drink it on your way back home! WHY DID YOU DRINK, THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE BROUGHT HOME?

Lou: *nursing a hangover* Uh... I was riding a bicycle. I thought if I fell off the bicycle, the bottle might break.


Lou: I drank whole bottle to avoid any such accidents. And it turned out to be a very good decision because I fell off the bicycle five times on my way back home afterwards.


Debbie: Could you please not Lou this into a worse situation than it already is?

Lou: did you just use my name as a verb?


*Young Lou getting trained by Debbie to be a genius con*

Debbie: You have to be nice

Lou: I am being nice

Debbie: You threatened him with a knife

Lou: But I didn't stab him


*During dinner*

Amita: What's your opinion on love?

Lou: Love is for weak

Debbie: *pinches Lou's thigh under the table*

Lou: And I'm so weak


*Life lessons by Debbie*

Debbie: When somebody responds with “I beg your pardon”, assert your dominance by replying “then beg"


*Debbie and Lou fighting and it turns physical*

Debbie: Are we fighting or flirting right now?

Extremely incorrect Loubbie/Ocean's 8Where stories live. Discover now