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Everything had to be perfect.

Everything had to be perfect for you. Takata Mashiho wanted the night he proposed to be a night to remember. He had everything planned out. First he was going to make your favorite dinner, he knew how much you loved his cooking. Dinner would be followed by dessert and some wine. Then, afterwards, the two of you would sit on the balcony of your cozy apartment under a full moon. He had a perfect playlist filled with some of your favorite songs, perfect for the romantic evening. Just before the two of you head in for the night, he would pop the question. It would be a simple proposal, a quiet and intimate one, just how you would want it.

But things don't always go as planned.

You get home later than usual from work. Which at first, he was grateful for because dinner was taking longer than expected. But then you weren't answering your texts, and he grew extremely worried. Mashiho paced around the living space, near the front door, wondering when you would come home. At around 7 pm, you finally arrived, looking worse for wear.

"Sorry." You said as you drudged into the apartment, kicking off your shoes. "I had to stay a little late to finish some work and then I got stuck in crazy traffic." Mashiho helped you out of your coat and led you further into the apartment with hims arm around your shoulder. You weren't exactly having the perfect night, Mashiho could clearly see that. With a night filled with your favorite things, he hoped he could make you feel a little better. "Hey," You said, stopped by the kitchen and snapping Yoongi out of his thoughts. "Is something burning?"

Suddenly, Mashiho raced to the kitchen. Smoke began billowing off the stove from the dinner he had been preparing. After being so worried you wouldn't return home, he completely abandoned dinner. He quickly shut off the stove and removed the pan, the food he was cooking brunt black and unrecognisable. A sigh escaped his lips and he was unable to bring himself to look at you.

"I wanted to cook you dinner but..." Though he couldn't see, a slight smile pulled at your face, both endeared and amused.

"That's okay." You responded gently. "How about we just order pizza instead?" You said pulling out your phone. Mashiho's plan was already going awry, but perhaps the rest of the night would be just fine.

By the time the pizza had arrived, you had changed out of your work clothes and into something more comfortable. Secretly, Mashiho always loved it when you wore one of his shirts, although he'd always pretended to complain about it. The two of you ate pizza and simply talked about your day for a while. You recounted your long day at work as he prepared the next phase of his plan, wine and dessert. He picked up an assortment of cakes and pastries from a nearby bakery and decided to let you have your pick. In one hand, the treats were neatly arranged on a nice plate, and in the other, your wine glass. He placed them gently on the table before you with a soft smile on his face. You stopped talking and looked up to him with a smile of your own. Although your smile was filled with pity.

"Thanks Mashiho, but uh, I'm actually trying to cut back on sugar and, well, drinking." Mashiho's smile faltered. Why weren't you eating sugar? Why weren't you drinking?

"Are you pregnant?" Then thought suddenly flooded his mind. Why else would you not be drinking? This was certainly not in his plan tonight, or in any near future plans at all! It was too soon, was he even ready to be a father?

"No, no!" You said suddenly, hoping to relieve him of his worry. "Don't worry I'm not pregnant. Just inflammation problems, I think I'm getting old." You laugh gingerly. Mashiho let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in. "Sorry." The smile you shot him now was filled with guilt, you didn't mean to scare him.

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