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You waved goodbye watching your best friend walk away, leaving just you and Mashiho at the table in the restaurant. He’d just come back off tour, and wanted to reunite with the two of you, you’d known each other for so long, and your other friend slotted straight in.

At times it felt like she slotted in too much, the two of them hit it off so well it felt like you were more of a third wheel than their friend that had brought them together, which you didn’t expect.

“It’s really nice to be home and see the two of you again,” Mashiho spoke, taking a sip from his beer, smiling across at you, “Did you miss me being here?”

“A little bit,” you teased, taking a sip from your own drink, “Y/F/N definitely missed you, she never stopped talking about wanting you home.”

His eyes rolled, sighing lightly, “Now that doesn’t surprise me at all.”

You could tell by his voice that he was a little bit tentative at the mention of her name, you thought the two of them got on, but judging by his face, he thought otherwise.

It was a matter that you didn’t want to push, but he could tell that you were intrigued, making himself comfortable in his chair to catch you up on what had been going on from tour.

“I think Y/F/N likes me, and I think she’s a great friend, but sometimes she’s just a little bit too much,” he told you, shrugging his shoulders, “Please don’t tell her that I told you this.”

“There’s no way that I would tell her, you told me in confidence,” you assured him, “But I’ve had a feeling too that she likes you, and if I’m honest, I thought that you liked her too, the two of you just seemed to have something going on between you.”

“I like her as a friend, she’s too much to be a girlfriend,” he chuckled, he felt bad talking so lowly about your friend, but that was one of the good things about you, he could always be open and you would be on hand to listen to him.

He could talk for hours and you’d be there for him, you were calm and comforting, never spoke a harsh word to him. No matter what he searched for in a girlfriend, nothing compared to you, he’d always find himself comparing people to how great you were.

“Whilst I was away, she would message all the time to see what I was doing, I like my own space, like you give me,” he spoke, running his hand through his hair, “I don’t like all the pressure.”

You couldn’t help but giggle lightly, listening to him speak, it was true of Y/F/N, she was one of life’s nosy people. “She just likes to be involved, see what you’re up to, she’s quite lonely sometimes, I think she’s been looking for a bit of happiness for quite some time.”

He appreciated that she needed someone from time to time, but she had other friends, not just Mashiho. You had a sweet smile on your face, thinking about what he’d told you, the two of you shared such similar thoughts all of the time.

“What are you thinking?” He asked you.

“Just thinking about how nice it is to have you back.”

“I’m happy to be back, it’s been a long time since we’ve spent some time together.”

His voice became quieter with every word that he spoke, you looked at him in confusion, but shrugged it off when he was silent. It was unlike him to ever be shy around you, he had an aura of confidence that only you would be able to tolerate and humour.

“There is actually something that has been playing on my mind,” he finally told you.

You nodded, offering him an assuring smile, “Well don’t bottle it up, talk to me about it, I want to help you Mashiho.”

Your heart began to race, maybe this was his way of finally telling you that he was in love with Y/F/N, he’d been in denial trying to pick out all of her faults just to throw you off the idea that something could be going on between the two of them.

“Don’t drag it out,” you giggled, “I’m sure whatever it is we can work through and I can help you, or is it something more serious?”

“It’s not too serious,” he told you, looking across, meeting your eyes, “Well, I suppose it depends actually how you look at things. Being on tour has got me thinking, and I’ve realised that I think I’m falling for you Y/N, I’ve tried, but no one ever compares to you, you’re just the one for me.”

He was terrified waiting to hear you talk, he knew it was a lot for you to take on and try to understand. “Do you want to know something? I thought you were about to tell me that you were falling in love with Y/F/N, I thought you were going to forget about me.”

A gasp came from him, “Y/F/N’s lovely, but she still doesn’t compare, it’s always been you, I’ve just never quite known how to tell you, without being too scared that things would go wrong.”

“You should have told me a long time ago,” you teased, “Why else do you think I got so scared you liked Y/F/N, because I like you too Takata Mashiho, you’re the one for me.”

He chuckled, reaching across the table, stretching his hand out for you to take. Everything felt so right for the two of you, even after all these years of being best friends, there was a spark between you both that could never be described, no one would ever understand the two of you.

“I missed you so much whilst I was on tour, the boys encouraged me to talk to you as soon as I came home, when you invited Y/F/N tonight I thought I missed my opportunity to finally tell you how I felt,” he admitted.

“You could have told me in the middle of nowhere and I would have still said yes.”

His smile grew, squeezing your hand tightly. “I know this place isn’t fancy, but it’s our place, and maybe, if you let order another round of drinks for the two of us, we could call this our first date, be able to see where things go between the two of us properly.”

“I’d like that,” you replied, “As long as you’re buying.” He nodded, pulling out his wallet from his back pocket, “you’ve got so much to tell me from being on tour, I think we might need more than just one round of drinks to get us through all of this.”

He loved your attitude, your sass and your humour, his eyes studied you closely, your eyes, smile, laugh, everything about you just reminded him that everything was right, his future was certainly looking bright with you at the centre of it all.

“Waiter, I think we’re going to need a few more drinks!” He called out.

“Treating me already, I could certainly get used to this.”


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