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The only reason Mashiho had even agreed to go on a picnic with you was purely because it was you asking. To be honest, he could never really say no to you, even if he did try to act like it was a great inconvenience to him sometimes.
But when you had approached him, full of smiles and excitement, your eyes big and bright with an almost childlike joy at the mere idea you had on your mind, he knew he was going to have to say yes to whatever you were going to ask him, regardless of what it was.

"Mashi, let's go on a picnic!" You beamed brightly at him, standing there in an outfit that nearly had him squirming in his seat because how did you always look so cute? He thought it was impossible for a human to look so adorable all the time, but somehow you did.
Maybe he was just biased, at least that's what Junkyu had told him and perhaps he was a tiny bit right.

Looking out of the window from his place on the sofa, a book clutched in his hands, he sighed, seeing how nice the weather was. In all honesty, he'd been trying his best to get a moment of silence all morning in the hopes of reading his book but nearly every attempt to settle down and read was interrupted by busy, nosy and loud maknaes.
But when he looked back at you, seeing the way your expression faded as you waited, he thought that maybe he'd get more peace and quiet with you, seeing as you were more shy and quiet than the others.

"No one else wanted to go, did they?" Mashiho asked as he closed his book.
"I didn't ask anyone else." You replied quietly, your smile disappearing from your face. Perhaps it was too hopeful to assume that one of the boys might go for a picnic with you and trying to ask all of them to go was like trying to herd cats.

Your response took Mashiho by surprise and he couldn't help but smile at you. "Alright, but I want to bring my book with me." He sighed as he got up, grunting with great effort, his heart swelling at the way your smile grew again, seeing how happy his response made you.

You quickly put together lunch and packed it into a little picnic basket, making sure to pick up a blanket before you left.
"Put on a hat, it's sunny today." Mashiho sounded unbothered, but you didn't miss the caring edge to his tone as he picked up one of his bucket hats and flopped it onto your head, positioning it properly until he was satisfied that you were protected from the sun.

The walk to the park was calm and quiet, only a little chatter between you two, but that was all you really needed. The silence was comfortable and easy, both of you enjoying the moment as you passed by buildings and patches of greenery where you insisted on stopping to look at the flowers, observing little things you noticed on your way over.
Mashiho was more fascinated by you though, and he spent a lot of the walk watching you as you enjoyed yourself.

Laying out the blanket, you were quick to get everything set up and settle down with your lunch, passing Mashiho his and making sure you both had drinks.
The park was perfectly quiet, the atmosphere matching the easy going start to the afternoon that you had welcomed.
Mashiho glanced at you, watching as you took a bite of your food, your eyes bright with happiness as you looked around the park, enjoying the nature around you both. There was no way he could ignore the way his heart fluttered at the sight of you.

You were far too good to him, far too good to the boys too, but specifically to him. You always looked out for them and it meant the absolute world to him. Even if it was little things, like dropping by with homemade snacks and reminders to take a break, it was enough to have his heart absolutely soaring for you and he felt a sudden rush of gratitude for Jihoon for introducing you to them all.

Your eyes met his, warmth flooding your cheeks as you caught his gaze on you. It was adorable, seeing you flustered like that and Mashiho couldn't help the soft, low chuckle that escaped him before he looked away from you and focused on his food.

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