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The controllers were placed before you, the lights dimmed down, the television glared with the set up for yet another heated games night between the two of you prepared.

“I hope you’re ready to lose,” Mashiho was quick to remark, flexing his muscles, kissing his biceps, smugly smiling in your face. “No one beats me at the old games, I’m the king of gaming.”

“Maybe I could be your queen?” You teased, but he shrugged, shaking his head. “It’s just a bit of fun Shiho, I don’t understand sometimes why everything has to turn into a competition with you.”

He nodded, loading the game whilst you set yourself up, sitting in between his legs. “I’ve never played this one before, I guess you’re going to have to show me the ropes.”

Earlier in the day, whilst cleaning out the house you found a drawer of Mashiho’s old games that he used to take away with him. He couldn’t bare to throw them out, challenging you to an afternoon of gaming, reminiscing about most of his childhood, only this time with you there instead.

“I’m not going to help you, you’ll just have to pick things up as you go along, learn on the spot.”

“Alright, but just go easy,” you requested, but you knew that would never happen. There was no way he could let you beat him, dent his pride, he needed to win at everything.

Mashiho pressed start, instantly zooming ahead of you in the game, whilst you frantically tried to work out which button did what, he confidently took a lead. In the blink of an eye his game had finished, whilst yours barely even started, trying to figure out what to do, or how you could ever possibly find a way to beat him at his own game.

“What do you say to a rematch? Best of three,” he suggested.

“Only if you stop being so competitive now, you’ve had your round of fun, I’m a beginner.”

He leant forwards, reloading the game ignoring the sounds of your pleas behind him. He sat forwards, getting a better look at the screen, refusing to back down and allow you to get one over on him.

“After this I think we should play one from my childhood, it can’t be nice when the boot is on the other foot.”

You practically sat the next round out letting him take the victory on the game, he knew you weren’t playing, you had your eyes set on the shiny case of the game you recognised from when you grew up, there was no way that he could beat you on this, you’d perfected every level, anyone who dared challenge you would always be defeated.

“Hand me the game so I can give you a beating on this one too, you’ve not seen me play before,” he spoke, holding his hand out for you to place the game into.

“I wouldn’t sit too comfortably Shiho, don’t underestimate me.”

“I can’t wait to see the look on your face when I beat you,” he smugly argued, “There’s no way you could beat me, I simply won’t allow it, I am the king of games, just ask the boys.”

The room fell silent, both of you fell into your competitive modes, you pushed him aside, whilst he tried to block your vision from the screen. The game loaded up, a little bit dodgy from its longevity, but still decent enough to be able to allow you to whoop Mashiho.

“I reckon we should make a bet, if I win, you have to cook dinner tonight, and if you win, I’ll cook dinner for the night. Just so when I win, I can make sure it was actually worth something, not just for fun.”

“If you win Mashiho, you’ve not won anything just yet.”

The game was heated and competitive, just as expected between the two of you. Neither wanted to have to cook dinner, to have to swallow your pride and admit defeat to the other, you were both far too proud to ever do such a thing, defeat simply was not an option for either of you.

You ducked and swerved Mashiho’s attempts to block you, building up a small lead, holding on to the lead and passing through the finish line first, throwing your controller aside and your arms into the air. “Ouch, what does that say? Mashiho lost, no way.”

He gasped, throwing his controller down in a strop, running his hands through his hair. He turned away from you, laying across the sofa, hiding his face in embarrassment.

“You know, your pasta dish always goes down well, I’ll be looking forward to it,” you teased.

“There’s no way this has happened, how did you win?”

You proudly shrugged, pulling him up, wrapping your arms around you. His smug expression dropped instantly, replaced by a soft, stroppy pout.

“I think that’s enough games for one day,” he groaned, turning his console off.

Your head shook, placing your hand over his. “We’re one all now, we can’t draw, you’re far too competitive for that. What do say? Both play a neutral game and then whoever loses can cook.”

“Are you sure you’re willing to put your victory on the line? It’s brave.”

You nodded, picking up his dropped controller for him, pulling him out of his strop. Whilst you knew you were a winner, you couldn’t expect him to stay stroppy, his mood would carry on for days after all.

“How about, I cook tea, that’s alright with me, but whoever loses this time around has to wash up, I know how much you love to do that,” he joked.

You stretched your hand out, feeling his intertwine and shake it. The agreement was settled, and so was the game, as once more you sat back and let Mashiho set it all up for you, using his brains to solve all the knots and loose cables that were visible.

“We might have to start doing this more often you know, competition aside it’s nice for the two of us to spend some time together, reminisce about our childhoods, I didn’t realise how much I missed all of these games.”

“That would be nice, maybe we could make it a weekly thing, if the schedule of a world-famous musician allows it, wouldn’t want to get in the way.”

“Don’t be silly, I can make time for you, I always do, don’t I? Plus, I don’t think anything will get in the way of me coming home to play games,” he assured you, pressing a soft kiss to the side of your face, settling back beside you, laying his leg over yours.

His controller hovered over the play button, checking on you to make sure that you were set up, controller in hand, eyes glued on the screen. “Remember, whatever happens, food is sorted for tonight, you can sit back and relax, until you lose and have to wash up, but let’s not thing about that.”

“Shiho, did you see that?” You questioned, pointing out the window. He glanced across, giving you perfect time to press the go button, getting a head start.

“Oh! You are going to pay for this, you watch yourself now.”

“I’m only watching myself win.”

“No way, I won’t allow this to happen.”

“Looks like you just did.”


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