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Walking into the house, Mashiho found you curled up on the sofa, a blanket loosely draped around you was the only thing keeping you warm. For hours you'd been staring at the walls, lost in your own thoughts, waiting for him to find you the same way he left you that morning.

He slowly wandered over, sitting down beside you, resting a hand on your hip, spreading his fingers to run along your body, bringing your eyes down to meet his, weakly smiling.

"Have you moved all day?" He asked, frowning when you shook your head. A helpless sigh escaped from him, staring hard at you. "I'm really beginning to worry about you Y/N."

"You don't need to," you replied.

Yet, in front of him you were falling apart. For weeks he thought you'd lost yourself, a lot of things had hurt you, and slowly they were digging away at you until it felt like there was nothing left. He was struggling to know the right answer to help you help yourself.

"Can we just try and talk for a while? I think there's a few things we need to discuss, to help you if nothing else," he spoke.

Reluctantly, you sat yourself up, whilst still keeping a tight grip on the blanket around you for protection. Mashiho pushed himself up to sit beside you, turning his body inwards to face you, relaxing his hands over your legs to assure you that he was on your side too.

"We need to find something that will bring that smile back to your face. I miss it."

"I'm fine. I've just had a few rough days, that's all. I've been myself, and it's not exactly been easy."

He nodded, knowing that was partly his fault being so wrapped up in work recently. "It feels like you're drifting away, and that may be because of my schedule too, but I want you to still feel like you can always talk to me regardless of the time or what I might be doing."

You glanced up at him as tears threatened to spill, trying to hold them back as best you could. "I'm not drifting away," you argued, but you didn't even believe yourself. "You're busy, and I don't want to be a burden, so I just sit with my own thoughts instead."

"But that's not good for you. I'll be honest, you're a mess right now."
It was harsh, but perhaps what you needed to try and pull yourself together. There was so much you had bottled up, you knew Mashiho would never have a clue as to just how much was actually on your mind.

"I'm right here for you, right now, for as long as you need me to be. You need to find the light Y/N, and find yourself again, I want you to help yourself, not for anyone else, but for your own sake."

"There's too much going on for us to ever be able to talk about without you being dragged away to the studio or flying to another country. It's alright for you with six other people constantly around you."

He sighed, trying to shrug your comment off. "I'm here right now, aren't I?" He asked, resting his hands over yours. "You can't push me away forever."

"It's hard trying to find a light when I always feel so alone. I've not moved all day because there's no point, I'm just by myself all the time," you whispered, biting at your bottom lip anxiously."

At last, he felt like he was beginning to get somewhere in understanding your feelings. He knew that things were hard, but he'd never realised for a moment that you'd feel so alone.

"If you feel so alone, I want you to promise me something. Whenever you feel this way, you tell me, and I will drop everything to be with you. I want you to promise me that when you feel like this, you'll find the light to make yourself feel better."

You nodded slowly, hearing him sigh in relief. His frame shuffled closer towards you, his arms wrapped tightly around you, holding you against his chest.

"I promise."

"I wish you would have told me what was going on. If I'd realised sooner this was how you felt I would have done something about you. It's been horrible seeing you this way without having a clue as to what was going on. I wish you would have talked to me so I could help you."

"I know how busy you are, so I promised myself that I wouldn't get in the way of you and the things you were doing," you spoke, hearing a sharp intake of breath from above you where his head rested."

He couldn't believe you'd ever promise yourself that, even if you thought you were protecting him, you were only damaging him. Your hurt was his hurt, and it was no good for either of you. His heart shattered knowing that you thought like that, that you'd think it was better to keep yourself away from him.

"That's the worst promise I've ever heard in my life, and I want you to create a new promise, that whenever you need me, you find me. I don't even want to think about all the times you've needed me and decided to cope on your own instead."

Being in his arms made you realise that you weren't coping at all. He was right, you were a broken mess, that he would help you to fix back up and pick yourself back up again.

He laid with you all night long, watching the sunshine darken outside, feeling your grip on him tighten when you needed a moment to yourself, whispering sweet nothings to comfort you and remind you that he was right there with you.

"Jagi," he whispered, as the clock neared midnight, "Can you let me under the blanket, then we can get some sleep. I think you need a good night of sleep in you."

You nodded, opening up the material for his body to slide under, feeling his arms move so they held the blanket around you. "Are you warm enough?"

"Don't worry about me," he whispered, "are you warm enough? Do you need to me to do anything or get you anything before we go to bed?" He asked, trailing several kisses along your jawline.

Your head shook, all you needed was right there with you. Mashiho had you in his arms, and he wasn't going to let you go for quite some time. Already, you could feel yourself finding the light that you needed to find yourself again and stop all your hurting.

"I know we said earlier, but I want to make sure, that you promise that whenever you feel like you need to talk, you'll talk to me straight away."

"I promise Mashiho. No matter what the time, or where you are, I will always find a way to get to you somehow, just like you told me to."

"I'm proud of you, and I love you. Always remember that I'm here for you all the time."

You nodded, allowing your eyes to shut as you cuddled against his chest. "It's been hard feeling all alone but knowing that you're here for me is all I need to make myself feel better again."
"I'm not going anywhere, ever. I love you."

"I love you too Mashi, thank you for all your promises."


Keep supporting Mashiho! I hope he will be healthy and happy and comeback to us as soon as he can. Let's be positive <3. Comment & vote for more oneshots 🍀

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