Mad Man pt 1

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A/N: This contains mature language. If you are uncomfortable then skip this.

"Babe.. Maybe later. I'm not in the mood right now, okay?" You bit down onto your lower lip, bracing yourself for another one of his meltdowns.

"Oh." Was all he said at first. "Would you rather be fucking the cashier?"

"Mashiho, what the hell?" You watched as he pulled away from you and got out of bed.

"No, I see how it is." He shrugged. "I'm boring you now, aren't I?"

"That's not how it is at all." You reassured him. "I'm just not feeling like it right now."

"Well, then let me help you get started." He turned back to you, with another devillish smirk plastered onto his lips.

"Maybe later." You said. "Right now, I'm just very tired. I've been running errands all day-"

"So? Are you too tired for me? You're own boyfriend? The boyfriend that you tell you love so much? The boyfriend who would do anything for you?" He asked, clearly trying to make you feel guilty. "You can't even let him make you feel good every once in a while?"

"Well, that's just the thing." You said. "It's not just every once in a while. It's literally every day. Sometimes even mutiple times a day."

He scoffed. "I thought you enjoyed it, judging by how loud you scream my name and how many times you tell me not to stop."

"That's not the point." You got out of bed. "Mashiho, have you ever once asked me what I want?" You asked him, your voice breaking a little.

He raised an eyebrow.

"Sometimes, I think that all you care about in our relationship, is how my body satisfies you." Was all you said before leaving the room for the bathroom across the hall.

It had been around 20 minutes, since you had been crying in the bathroom.

Why did he always have to cause an argument over something that wasn't even that big of a deal.

You just didn't want to have sex with him this one time, because you were tired, and he made it as if you wanted to have it with some other guy?! What the hell?!

"Babe, if you don't get out of there right now, I'm gonna do something to myself." You heard him say from the other side of the door.

Your eyes widened.

Not this again.

"I know you're angry. You're angry because of me, aren't you? I know you secretly hate me, and that you want to break up with me and be with some other guy. Somebody who's way better than me, and has a better body and everything-"

He was cut off by you opening the door.

"Stop it." You held his face with teary eyes. "Just please, stop it."

"Stop what?"

"Thinking so little of yourself." You sniffled. "Mashiho, I love you so much. You shouldn't degrade yourself and think that I don't."

He looked down and held your hands to both comfort himself and you.

"I love you so much, that I.. I hope to maybe one day even get married, and start a family with you." You smiled, softly.

His eyes darted back up at you. "You do? Really?" He asked, eagerly.

"I do." You gently kissed him on the cheek. "So, please stop thinking so little about yourself. You're the most caring and lovable, most handsome and charming boyfriend anybody could ever ask for." You wrapped your arms around him and hugged him, tightly.

Little did you know, that as you were hugging, he was smirking like a mad man.


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Takata Mashiho OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now