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Mashiho shook his head at the sight in front of him. The eggs and toast he had laid on the table in the morning for you to eat still sat in the exact same spot, cold and inedible by now.

And that was saying something, because he had left for practice at the ungodly early hour of 5am, and had pressed many kisses into your hair, making you promise you'd eat breakfast and rest for a while.

He knew it was safe to assume that since you hadn't eaten a bite, you definitely hadn't gotten up to stretch your legs or anything.

"Honey?" Mashiho called out, receiving no response.

You had turned off your phone last night, and so he hadn't been able to check up on you during the day, and now he was genuinely concerned about you.

He made his way to the freezer, collecting your favorite frozen dumplings and some of the vegetable broth you had frozen earlier. He set the broth on the stove to boil and made his way to the bedroom.

Opening the door cautiously, he didn't know what to feel about the sight that met him. Your head was lowered on your notes and you seemed to be asleep, your breath coming in deep, calm exhales. Your hand still loosely clutched your pen and the smallest frown sat between your eyebrows.

Mashiho's heart filled with love and tenderness at the vision, so incredibly proud of how hard you were working, yet aching to hold you and help you in some way. He wished he could go and give your exams for you, and despite his own busy schedule that left his body aching at the end of the day, the past week had taken a toll on him because you had been suffering sleepless nights and constant anxiety about the exams you had been studying so hard for.

He believed in your abilities, academic or otherwise, and he knew you'd ace them as usual, but he knew he couldn't blame you for the way your mind worked and the way your insecurities manifested into the anxiety of not being good enough, when important stuff like this loomed up.

He approached you, feeling like he was about to commit a crime by waking you up, since you had been so sleep deprived.

"Gummy?" He called out to you softly, gently shaking your shoulder.

You jolted awake.

"Hey, it's just me baby." His low voice soothed you.

He felt so bad, seeing the way bags sat underneath your eyes and the little vessels in your eyes were red, your gaze tired as it finally focused on his face.

"Oh, you're back?" You asked sleepily.

"Babe... It's 11 pm." He told you kindly.

"What?" You whispered, aghast as you looked down at the notes you had presumably been reading from. "Oh noo" you groaned, taking your head in your hands, already feeling a headache coming on. You were supposed to have finished two chapters worth of revision by now. How could you have fallen asleep? And how much longer would you have stayed passed out like that, had Mashiho not returned when he had.

"Have you been sitting here all day?" He sounded a little pressed.

You remained hidden in your hands, well aware of the questioning and slightly disappointed gaze that would meet you if you looked up. You couldn't face Mashiho's soft amber eyes, not when you were sure his patience with you was running thin.

Mashiho, on the other hand, felt like he'd fall sick with worry about you. You had been doing this for the whole week now. You'd skip meals, and even when he brought them straight to you, you'd let them sit and fall cold as you busied yourself with revisions and reviews of your notes, before falling into a fitful sleep for never more than 3 hours at night before drowning yourself in coffee and running off to give your exam.

Takata Mashiho OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now