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A/N: This part is different than others. It contains angst, possessiveness, obsession. If you are uncomfortable than skip this.

"Stop it, Mashiho! Just stop it!" You struggged to get out of his grasp.

"Why should I?!" He screamed back at you.

"Because you're hurting me, you crazy asshole!" You shouted at him.

"Crazy?" He scoffed. "Oh, baby, you haven't seen crazy yet. Not even close."

"I'm not going to ask you again." You warned him. "Let go of me."

"Or what?" He asked, knowing that there was nothing that was going to be able to stop him from doing as he pleased, especially when it came to you.

"We barely even know each other! Get away from me already!" You tried to maintain whatever confidence you had left in you.

"Why should I?" He shook you back and forth. "You're mine, darling."

"We only met 3 days ago, when you asked me where the nearest train station was!" You exclaimed in frustration. "We barely even had a proper conversation. You asked me a question, and I answered it in less than 7 words!" You caught your breath. "We barely interacted for more than 10 seconds. We hadn't even seen each other before!"

He yawned in an exaggerated manner. "Okay, and?"

"You're a mad man.." You tried to part his arms from your body. "Let go of me!"

He sighed and then harshly grabbed your face with one hand, the other holding your whole body in a tight grasp. "Do you wanna know a secret?"

Your scrunched up face made you look adorable to him.

It was like the fear in your eyes was just a mere hologram, covering the love for him.

Well, that's what was in his head.

"Do you know when you said that we hadn't seen each other before?" He asked. "Well, you were wrong." He chuckled, as if he was a psychopath.

"What are you talking about?" You managed to speak through his firm and tight grip.

"The truth is, princess, I've actually been watching you for a while now." He whispered with lust in his eyes. "7 and a half months, actually."

Your eyes widened. "W-What?"

He nodded, innocently. "I first started at approximately 1:32pm, on the 16th of September 2021. When we interacted for the 'First Time', it was at 4:07pm on the 3rd of March 2022."

You visibly gulped, causing the strange man to smirk.

There was a pause.

"What do you want from me?" You broke the silence and finally asked him. "I'll give you anything you want."

"Really? You'll give me anything?" He asked, his big eyes piercing through your skin. "Do you promise?"

"I promise." You replied, weakly.

"Well, it's a tough one. Are you sure you'll be able to go through with your promise?" He asked you for reassurance and confirmation.

"I do. I promise." You sniffled back a tear from escaping your eye.

"What I want, sweetheart.." He trailed off and ran his thumb over your lower lip. "Is you."

His words echoed in your head.

Why was this happening to you?

"Why?" You asked, finally letting the tear go, and felt it fall down your cold cheek. "Why are you doing this to me?"

Takata Mashiho OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now