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Watching on closely at the side of the stage, your eyes couldn't help but fixate on Mashiho. Throughout the night, noticing him on stage with the female dancer stirred a feeling in you that you never knew you could feel.

You were jealous.

He had a wide smile on his face, performing effortlessly with her around him, unaware completely of you stood at the side of the stage. As the concert ended, the girls ran off as the boys took their final bows. She ran past you, flashing you a wide smile, knowing exactly what she'd caused.

Coming off stage himself, he was confused when he couldn't find you stood backstage ready to give him a sweaty hug like you usually were.

He found you outside, leaning against a wall, scrolling through your phone, distracting yourself from what was happening around you.

"There you are," he sighed, relieved to have seen you. "Why weren't you waiting for me?" He cluelessly asked. "I was looking forward to a big hug through the whole show."

"I didn't want to be there, I didn't feel like I was really wanted there," you confessed, looking glumly over at him. "I wasn't the girl you wanted tonight."

He was confused, unsure what on earth you could've been talking about. You were always the girl for him. "Care to elaborate and fill in the gaps for me please?"

"Mashiho," you sighed, "all night I've had to stand back and watch you dance with a girl. That bit doesn't bother me. What bother's me is the fact that she was all over you, and you allowed it to happen. Not once did I ever cross your mind tonight, that girl knew you were in a relationship, and yet she still acted flirtatious and innocent around you, because you let her."

Thinking back to it, the dancer had been close to him, but he thought that was only natural. Aside from you, he wasn't the best around girls and understanding the signals he got from them. "You're looking too far into this, it was just performing, I'm sure she was harmless."

"Why are you defending her? In front of me you let a girl dance all over you, and I'm just supposed to think as if that's normal and one of those things."

You stood up, away from the wall, sliding your phone into your back pocket. Without another word, you walked past him, back up to the arena door, leaving him silent momentarily until he realised where you were going. He followed you all the way until you reached the parking lot, heading towards the exit of the building.

His hand wrapped around your wrist, pulling you towards him. "Don't walk away from this, there is obviously something that we need to talk about right now."

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't walk out of that door and go home, and then we can talk. Because I'm not going to listen to you defend her."

"Because hands down I've got the sexiest girlfriend in the world, and I can't let something like this break us," he sighed, slipping his hand into yours. "You know what I'm like, I don't handle situations like this very well, I never wanted to make you jealous."

He pulled you back into the building, feeling more comfortable knowing that you were further away from the exit. His other hand brushed his long locks away from his face so he could have the perfect vision of you and the upset that was on your face.

"You know that seeing you on that stage is my favourite thing in the world, but it was hard tonight. For the first time ever, I wanted to run away and pretend tonight never existed. I appreciate signals and understanding them aren't your best qualities, but I just thought maybe you'd brush her aside a little more and make it clear you were in a relationship."

"I should have done that," he sighed, blaming himself when he heard the upset in your voice. "But on stage there are so many feelings, I don't know where I am half the time. I did think of you though, I promise, knowing you were there made me happy."

A soft smile grew on your face as your eyes met his. "I don't want you to feel bad about this, it's my fault too. I couldn't contain my jealousy, seeing a beautiful girl all over you made me feel terrible. I know it's your job and it's what you have to do, but I just felt bitter about the fact that she was dancing around you and it wasn't me."

Jealousy was often something you struggled with. How could you not? Mashiho was handsome and had thousands of screaming girls practically falling at his feet.

"You know that my eyes are always on you, you're perfect for me. Not once do I ever look at another girl the way I look at you. You know it's always been you for me."

"I know," you whispered, moving in to cuddle against his chest, "I just still have to pinch myself that you chose me over thousands of other girls. Sometimes I just think this will all be too good to be true one day and you'll find someone else."

That won't happen, because no one compares to you, I don't care who they are. No one makes me smile like you do when they try and tell terrible jokes."

You gasped, smacking his arm lightly. "I'll have you know my jokes are hilarious."

His head shook, as his strong arm wrapped around your frame. "It's cute that you think that jagi, I'm not going to ruin your dreams. It's a joke to me that you feel you aren't good enough, because you are more than good enough for me."

"I know you always remind me, but the thought still lingers in the back of my mind."

His lips pressed to the top of your head, understanding where you came from. You were never going to be settled completely in your relationship, not with Mashiho's job. He knew that, and was okay with that, it never fazed him to give you the reassurance that you needed.

Your eyes met as you looked up, giggling as his nose scrunched up. "I've been waiting a long time for this big hug; I hope you're ready for this."

You squirmed as his frame wrapped around you tightly, the stench was horrendous, but oddly comforting, knowing it came from Mashiho.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to greet you as soon as you came off stage tonight."

"I understand. It's not easy to be in your position, but you're incredible. It's okay to be jealous, honestly, I find it adorable. But you have nothing to worry about, ever, all of me is yours, and nothing can change that."

"You're too sweet, thank you Mashi, you're amazing!"


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