Secret Admirer

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A light knock at your front door disturbed you as you prepared yourself some lunch. You walked over, opening, to be greeted by nothing. As you went to shut the door, your eyes caught a box on your front doorstep, wrapped in red ribbon.

You glanced around, but saw no one, picking the box up, before shutting the door. Pulling the ribbon undone, you unwrapped the parcel to reveal a box of your favourite chocolates. Was it your birthday? You thought not, but maybe you were wrong. Nothing was thought of it, setting the box on the kitchen counter, carrying on with your day.

The following morning, you came down the stairs, your post already arriving. A few bills were quickly discarded, but one letter at the bottom caught your eye. There was no address, just your name, scribbled in blue pen.

Intrigued you tore the envelope, pulling out a crisp white piece of paper, unfolding it to see a letter addressed to you.


I hope you liked the chocolates! I'm sorry I'm not brave enough to tell you how I feel, but it's nice to shower you with affection in mystery. Just know, there's someone out there that loves you.

Your Secret Admirer xo

You read through the letter one final time before folding it back up. The handwriting wasn't one you recognised, as the envelope was placed on your desk.

The letter made you feel amazing, but you couldn't help but question who it was from. It was clearly someone who knew you as the chocolates were your favourites, you wracked your brain thinking of who it could possibly be, but no one sprung to mind.

In your gut, you felt this wouldn't be the end of it, chocolates, a letter, you didn't know what could come next.

A few days later you were in your home, cleaning a few pieces of furniture, making your house look presentable. Just as you slid a pair of shoes onto the shoe rack, your doorbell went. Instantly, you sprinted to the door, opening it up, catching a dark-haired boy running down your drive.

Ignoring the bouquet of flowers that had been placed on the step, you watched the figure, working out who it was.

"Takata Mashiho! Come back here!"

He stopped, spinning around, throwing his head back. With a soft expression, he walked down your drive, unable to bring himself to look at you. He stopped at the step, picking up the flowers, handing them to you. "These are for you."

"Just come in you idiot."

"Please don't be mad at me," he sighed, walking into the house, instantly spotting his letter on the desk beside your front door.

"As if I could be mad at you."

He sat down on your sofa. The two of you had been friends for years, having met through school. You'd always been close, just never realising that Mashiho could like you in that way.

"Can I just apologise for all the stunts I've pulled; I didn't think you'd ever be able to work out it was me, I just wanted to do something nice for you and make you feel loved."

You sighed, watching him slump down in his seat. His cheeks were a dark shade of red, he was mortified, but you couldn't understand why. No one had ever been so kind to you like Mashiho had been over the past few days.

"If you think I'm annoyed or upset, you're wrong." He looked up at you, furrowing his brows. "I'm serious, all of this has been generous and kind. Who knew I had a secret admirer?"

He chuckled, as you softly smiled. "Don't. You know what I'm like around people I like, I get all nervous, I didn't know what else I could do."

"You could've told me," you giggled, "as nice as it's been to have a secret admirer, it would've been nicer to know who it was. Mashiho, why did you feel like you couldn't be honest with me? You know how much you mean to me."

It was a question he'd asked himself too. At times he wanted to tell you, but something always stopped him. You were one of his closest friends, but you were beautiful, and kind, and most of the time you were too good to be true.

"Mashiho, tell me how you feel, I'm not going anywhere."

"Since the day I met you, I liked you," he confessed, "but for too long I've felt like all you've ever wanted is a friendship. I was scared that you wouldn't like me like that because I'm not like you. I thought if I did all of this in secret, I'd feel like I was loving you, without having to feel embarrassed knowing you didn't feel the same way."

"How did you know I didn't feel the same way?" You asked. The distance between you closed, your hands running through his long black hair. He slowly looked up, seeing the sincerity in your eyes, a small smile appeared on his face.

"Please don't just say that to make me feel better Y/N, it's already embarrassing enough that you've worked out that this was all me."

You sighed, bringing his face closer to you. "I'm not just saying that. How you ever thought you weren't good enough for me is crazy, you're amazing Mashiho, you don't give yourself enough credit. You've been the greatest friend, but I can't help but want more."

"Really? Please don't tell me this silly plan to try and get your attention has worked out," he chuckled, biting at his bottom lip.

"I think it might have," you giggled.

His hands came up, resting over the top of yours that were still tangled in his hair. "Maybe I can buy you chocolates and flowers, and write you letters face to face from now on. I can tell you everyday just how special you are to me."

You leant forwards, pressing your forehead against his, puckering your lips, pressing them gently to Mashiho's. A shy laugh escaped as he felt your lips against his, kissing you back sweetly, bringing you close towards him.

"Mashiho," you whispered, pulling away, recapturing his attention.

"Yeah," he replied, voice just as quiet, both of you had turned shy and anxious.

"That was a pretty nice kiss," you giggled. You were at a loss for words as you looked up, seeing the brightness in his eyes.

He nodded in agreement, unable to find the words he wanted to tell you how he felt. Instead, he chose to press his lips to yours once more, letting his actions do the talking.


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