He is Fabulous

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"Go on, (Y/N)! He's right there!"

Your best friend Lina gave you a gentle push towards the other end of the room where he had just returned from a quick talk with his mom, your chaperone.

Towards Mashiho, the love of your life.

The most perfect, beautiful, sweet boy you'd ever met.

You turned, hoping that Lina would relent and have you do something else.

"Please Lina, don't make me embarrass myself in front of Mashiho!"

She shook her head, making her cute blonde banana curls bounce.


You turned towards the end of the dance hall. Prom was going full swing, and your night was about to get even more miserable. First, fretting if you looked alright for your prom date with Mashiho, the hottest boy in the whole school.

When he had first asked you, you'd thought it was a joke; Mashiho going to Prom with you, the dorkiest, most unattractive girl in the whole school? No way.

But it was yes way.

You had shopped for a whole day before you'd found the right dress. Preferring something more modest and less blingy than the "usual" Prom dresses, it had taken much, much longer to find one. And then finally you had found it.

The dress was royal blue, with a sweetheart cut bodice and a floor-length skirt that hung off your hips in shimmering cascades. Your mom had approved after seeing the other dress choices. She had fussed over you for hours, helping you with your makeup and trying to boost your morale while spouting stories of her own Prom while also giving you the 'Mother talk'.

When Mashiho had showed up with his mom for pictures and to pick you up, you had felt so ugly next to him. The poses for the pictures had felt so fake to you, the bright smiles and happy faces somehow feeling not genuine. And that was just the beginning of your woes.

And now Lina was making you use a pick-up line on him. You had lost a bet, and she was determined to make your punishment the worst she possibly could. You wanted to die when she told you what you were supposed to say. And, to top it all off, she was going to video the whole thing.

Inwardly, deep down in your soul, you were absolutely certain that it would end up on America's Funniest Home Videos and be a big hit. You could see it now as you walked over to Mashiho; you telling the WORST pick-up line ever, and then something awful would happen, and you would never be able to live it down.

As you approached him, you couldn't help but catch your breath. He looked... Beautiful? Perfect? Gorgeous? Noble? Princely? All of them fit, yet none of them fully encompassed what Mashiho looked like.

From his perfect silver hair delicately swooshed across his forehead, dark dress shirt and pants, down to his black dress shoes, he looked fabulous. No, more than fabulous. Stunning.

You walked up to him, your heart hammering behind your blue bodice. He saw you and smiled.

"Ahh, sorry, (Y/N)," Mashiho apologized. "I didn't want to leave you, but Mom had to tell me something." Almost as an afterthought, he added "Would you like to dance?"

You nodded, still dumbfounded by his beauty. He took your hand and led you out onto the dance floor, and began to slow dance with you in the middle of the room. He placed your arms around his shoulders, and his hands found their way to rest behind your lower back.

You exhaled quietly as you began to sway back and forth to the music, getting lost in his eyes. He looked down at you, a small smile playing over his lips, and you couldn't help but smile back. You were actually having a good time until your brain reminded you Lina is going to film you.

You turned your head, and sure enough, Lina was there, phone up. She nodded, smiling and giving you a thumbs up. You groaned softly under your breath.

"Are you okay, (Y/N)?" Mashiho said, a small look of worry playing over his face.

You nodded. "Yeah, except..."

Your throat constricted as you thought about what you were supposed to say.

"Except what?" he asked, cocking his head slightly.

You felt your cheeks redden, blood pressure rising.

"Do you have a band-aid?"

You forced the words out of your mouth as Mashiho regarded you curiously.

"Because I scraped my knee when I fell for you."

They were out.

Those words that would probably cost you every chance you'd ever had and ever would have with Mashiho.

Except he just smiled.

"I don't have a band-aid, (Y/N)," he murmured, "But I do have a kiss. Would that work instead?"

You looked up at him in shock.

He couldn't be serious.

But he was serious.

"I...uhm..." you stammered, but he effectively silenced you.

Mashiho leaned forward, closing his eyes and closing the distance between your lips, capturing your lips with his in a kiss.

He stopped dancing, his arms going around you as he held you. Melting completely in his kiss, you twined your arms around his neck, one hand in his hair and the other barely touching his smooth cheek.

After a few seconds he broke away, and you realized that the whole floor was quiet.

You looked around, your face pink. Everyone was staring at you, a few of the popular girls with outraged looks on their faces as they glared daggers at you. Panic rose in your chest, and you began to push away from Mashiho. But he just held you tighter and turned your face towards his.

He had kind of a dreamy look in his brown eyes, and he said, in a voice loud enough so that everyone could hear, "Don't worry about what they think. All that matters is that... (Y/N), I love you."

You gasped, and so did the entire crowd of prom-goers, aside from a few of Mashiho's friends who were looking pleased and slightly smug.

Your eyes grew big and you couldn't seem to breathe.

Mashiho loved you?

His eyes stared deep into yours, and you felt like he could see your thoughts.

"Mashiho," you breathed, "Wh-why would you say that?"

He leaned closer and whispered "Because it's true."

You swallowed past the lump that suddenly was lodged in your throat.

"I love you too, Mashiho," you whispered.

He kissed you again, and most of the crowd cheered and clapped for you. The DJ turned on a slow song, and the prom-goers went back to what they were previously doing.

Mashiho swayed to the music, holding you as if you were valuable, like if he let you go you might break. And honestly, you felt like you might. You laid your head on his chest, swaying along with him. After a little, he lifted your face to his.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered, brushing your hair behind your ears.

"Thank you," you murmured, and smiled. "I love you, Mashiho."

Then "Something Just Like This" turned on, and you and Mashiho began to dance to the hip, poppy song. As you danced, Mashiho's smile was one you were sure you'd remember forever. And you were sure that if ever you were hurting, Mashiho would be there, with a band-aid or a kiss, whichever the situation required.

As Mashiho and his mom drove you home that night, you smiled.

You wanted something just like this.

And you smiled, for once thankful for pick-up lines.


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