| Chapter nine

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"Aaliyah everything about you is perfect. From your now bruised ass to your beautiful heart." His eyes searched mine for a moment before his gaze held onto my soul.

"My brother is too much of a piece of shit to see who you truly are. He'll never understand how lucky he truly is and he will only realise how lucky he was when he loses you. That piece of shit doesn't deserve you Aaliyah."

Alex was never afraid to bad mouth his brother and I always wondered why. I never knew why he truly hated his brother for some reason. I always thought it was because of their differences but only now do I realise it's something deeper than that.

I know I would never talk about my sisters this way but for Alex it's so easy. It's clear how much he dislikes his brother.

He brought me closer to him and he looked down at my lips. My lip was tucked between my teeth as I looked at him as his gaze was fixed on my lips.

"I'd like to bite that lip," he said running his thumb across my lips as they became exposed again. I looked at him desperately and he chuckled. "Not until Caleb will be out of your mind when I fuck you."

The disappointment was very clear in my eyes and Alex chuckled once again. "It's all up to you Liya, do as you're told and you'll get what you want." I looked into his eyes for a moment and plastered a small smile on my face.

"I'll do it. I won't think of Caleb when we do this." Alex looked at me almost as if to see if I was telling the truth or not. "Good. Now I can't wait to have you screaming my name," he said as he traced my figure.

"Don't forget darling, tomorrow at 1pm. Don't be late," he said before kissing my forehead and making his way to the bedroom door. I sat up on the bed and watched as he walked to the door. "I wish you could stay," I voiced.

Alex paused for a moment before turning his head to me. "Get some sleep Aaliyah, you'll need it," he said before disappearing through the door.

I wanted to be in his arms so badly. His warmth was addictive. I rubbed my hand over my ass almost as if to relive the moment of when his hand came down. The pain was there yes, but the pleasure would over power it making me want more.


Later on I woke up to use the bathroom and realised that Caleb still wasn't back. I tried calling him before going to sleep but he didn't answer.

A few moments after I came back from the bathroom and I heard the front door open then close. I heard Caleb's heavy footsteps come up the stairs before he burst through the door.

"Babyyyyyy," he said in a slur. "Let me fuck you, even if you're fat." He laughed at his words as if he had made the funniest joke in the world.

He made his way to the bed and I could start to smell the alcohol. His hair was wet and his shirt was untucked. He looked like a mess.

"Caleb you're drunk, how about I help you take a bath and I can put you to bed," I said getting off of the bed slowly. I put his arm over my shoulder letting him lean on me. "You really are beautiful..it's too bad your body is gonna ruin that."

His words came out slowly as he touched my face. Even after all of this I'm going to help him. He's my husband and I swore at the alter I would be there for him. For better or for worse.

I sat him down on the toilet as I ran the bath water then took his clothes off. He started laughing out of no where and lifted the shirt I was wearing. "Hey you fat, get the fuck out of my wife," he said before kissing my stomach.

"Okay, that's enough Caleb," I said as I helped him stand up and I closed the tap. He climbed into the tub splashing a lot of the water. After I got him cleaned up I helped him to the room and dressed him before putting him to bed.

"I love you Aaliyah," he said with his eyes closed. I stared down at him thinking about weather I should say it back or not. "I love you too Caleb," I eventually responded. Tucking myself in the covers.

It took a while for me to doze off.

The next morning I woke up before Caleb. It was about 7 am and I swear I had only 4 hours of sleep. I was tossing and turning most of the night because my thoughts were on fire.

All I could think about was Alex and Caleb. I imagined a million different things and they all kept me up. A few moments later Caleb came down stairs only in his pj pants.

"Did you put me to sleep last night?" I could see the guilt in his eyes. "Yeah, you were really drunk to do it on your own so I took care of you." I said the words as if to carry a point.

"I'm so sorry baby, I had gotten really mad and went to get a few drinks with some friends. I guess I had a lot more than I thought," he said walking towards me and stoping in front of me.

"It's okay Caleb. Just please promise me that it won't happen again," I said bringing him a glass of water, an aspirin and a naproxen. "This should help with your hangover."

He had a look of relief and appreciation on his face as he took the pills and gulped down the water. He stared at me for a moment before putting the glass down and wrapping me in his arms. "I love you Aaliyah, and I appreciate you so much."

He pulled away and kissed me on the cheek before smiling. "You're the best thing that has ever happened in my life." I wish he would have said that before I made the decision to let his brother have his way with me.

I smiled back at him and pecked his lips, attempting hide the guilt that was consuming me. Even though Caleb could be a dick at times, he was my husband. I cared about him and I always will.

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