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Alex's POV||

"Dylan give that back." Amara was chasing after her brother that held her phone. "Alex, catch." He threw it and Alex caught it. "Ugh, I swear if you don't give it back I'll tell Katie about what you did to her fish."

Amara kept chasing her brothers that played piggy in the middle with her phone. "Boys can you not bully your sister just this once. You can make that your birthday present to me."

Aaliyah stood with her hands on her hips and she stared the boys down. "Give your sister's phone back to her right now so we can go to the mansion in peace."

The boys reluctantly gave Amara her phone. "C'mon Amara, let me fix your hair." The girls went up stairs and I chuckled at the boys who were sitting on the couch upset.

"You boys had that coming and you know it." Aaliyah was the sweetest mother ever and even when the boys misbehaved she disciplined them in a kind and gentle way. "If I had asked you to stop, I wouldn't have been as nice which is why I let your mother deal these small situations."

"Yeah mom's always the good cop," Alex said with a smile. "Except that time she punched uncle Caleb in the nose," Dylan said making all of us laugh. "Man I wish I would have been born earlier so that I could have seen it."

Dylan was always the most rebellious and the biggest trouble maker, so it wasn't a surprise when he said that. "Yeah well things were different back then. Your uncle was a bigger ass wipe back then."

I rolled my eyes thinking of everything that had happened before we had kids. The journey that Aaliyah and I had been on is one that I would redo in a heart beat. If I could do my life with her all over again I would.

Aaliyah's POV||

I brushed through Amara's hair, making sure there were no more knots in it. I then brushed it up into a high ponytail and fluffed it up. "Are you still talking to that boy in your class."

I broke the silence that had filled the room. "Yeah, but I don't know if he likes me. He's always so on and off but at the same time he gives such clear hints."

"Boys will do that to you honey, but what I can tell you is that don't wait too long till you choose the right one because your journey could take a lot longer than it needs to."

I thought about all the time that Alex and I had missed because of how I came to him so late, but I also thought about the time we had when I was finally his. All the time I spent with him and the many moments I would go back to and do over and over again. If I had the chance I would do the life I have with Alex all over again.

I finished her hair and she checked herself one more time in the mirror before she made her way back down stairs. I watched as she went down and I was filled with so much joy as the memories of my life flashed through my mind.

Alex and I have come so far. We have 3 beautiful children, we're both very successful and we couldn't be happier. We've been married for 17 years and our anniversary was in 8 months.

My thoughts were interrupted by Alex, who had walked into the room. I stood up and we made our way to each other and I felt the toy go on as he held me. I gasped feeling the sensation of the toy travel my body instantly.

"I hope you like your birthday present." The toy stopped and went back one again, teasing me as this happened a few times more. "I love it, thank you sir." It came to mind how I was able to hide the fact that there was a vibrator in my underwear and my children are luckily unaware of it.

"You better behave tonight, you wouldn't want our angles finding out what is really happening would you." He spoke lowly and softly in my ear and I swear that alone was going to make me cum.

I felt the setting of the vibrator go up before it went off. "No~" my breathing was heavy and I was aching for more. "We have guests that are waiting for us." Alex kissed my lips softly before going down stairs and leaving me wanting more.

You would have thought at our age we would stop taking these sorts of risks and just have plain boring sex but Alex would not allow it and I'm really happy about that.

Alex has always exceed my sex expectations and you would have thought that he would stop after having kids. Alex always knew what he was doing and he was always finding ways to stimulate me.

There was a time he made me do all the house duties I usually do with a vibrator in my underwear and he didn't let me cum till the kids were dead asleep and it made me wanna cry but I had to hold my tears in because the kids were in the house. The feeling was almost unbearable but the risk of the situation felt so good it just made everything ten times hotter.

We had finally gotten to the mansion and I was greeted by all the family and friends that were invited. Alex had teased me with the vibrator every time I greeted a new person and there were a lot of people that I had to greeted.

Alex stood next to me as I took in the sight of the scenery. I felt the vibrator go on and I let out a light gasp making sure no one heard me. "What if I made you cum in front of all these people." He spoke into my ear lowly.

"What if I made you scream my name letting all of them know how good I made you feel." The setting of the vibrator went up and I bit onto my lip to contain the moan that wanted to escape and my orgasm got closer and closer. I felt his lips lightly brush my neck before he came to my ear again and chuckled deeply before speaking.

"Happy birthday baby."

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