| Chapter thirty-one

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I smiled at him warmly before crashing my lips onto his. My hands went to his hair and tugged on it slightly making him groan into my mouth, the reaction making me moan.

I pushed him onto the bed before crawling on top of him and crashing my lips back onto his. I grinded myself against him, feeling him go rock hard once again.

I pulled away and held him in my hand, putting just the tip in teasing him. "Don't play with me darling." His hips thrusted upward and I let out a load moan of his name.

I began bouncing up and down on him feeling him hit my g-spot immediately with every time I went down. I began rotating my hips feeling my orgasm build already. My hips moved as fast as possible and Alex's hands rested on my ass moving me as fast as I possible.

"Alex, I'm so close." My hips went from rotating to rocking back and forth, making the pleasure travel my body. "Needy little thing, you're going to cum without permission."

I felt him grab my ass harshly, surely leaving bruises. He lifted my hips up and brought his own upward, making me moan louder than I was before. My forehead rested on his as my hips hovered while he thrusted hard, making the sound of skin slapping on skin louder and louder. He brought me closer and closer to my orgasm and I tried as hard as I could to hold it.

"Please sir, I don't think I can hold it any longer." My walls were squeezing so tightly I swear he could have burst but I swear he grew more while he was inside me. "Fuck, just a little longer darling."

He hips were ramming into me and the room was filled with our sounds. "Fuck, just like that." My nails were digging into his shoulders and I was trying as hard as possible to not cum. "Sir please~"

"Cum Aaliyah." He did one final harsh thrust and my orgasm unfolded. I sat up and threw my head back, feeling the pure ecstasy take over my body cumming so ducking hard that I actually lost track of anything and everything in the real world. His release spilled out inside me and I could feel him throbbing. He felt so fucking good. I fell onto his chest and we both caught our breaths.

"I love you Aaliyah."

I don't think I will ever get tired of hearing him say those words. "I love you Alex." My lips came to his and our lips intertwined.

Our tongues danced with each other slowly and passionately. There was no longer just desire in what we have now. It was so much more and I couldn't wait for our future because I know that it's going to be a good one.

The next day Alex and I had spent most of it cuddling but he had been planning a dinner with some family friends so that we could give them the news. I tried helping but he wouldn't let me. I guess the whole pregnancy thing was starting to get to him because he wouldn't let me do anything for myself as if I was already 6 months or something.

"Alex, I think I can go to the bathroom myself okay." I kissed his cheek before making my way to the bathroom.

Alex's POV||

I watched the door close and I took my phone out to call Zoey . "Is everything ready?" Tonight had to go perfectly because I swear if something had to take away or ruin her beautiful smile I would destroy who ever or what ever it was.

"You know Alex you've really proved yourself and I'm glad she finally got the man she wanted as well. She deserves to be happy and if you bring her that happiness then I'm glad but you listen to me and you listen to me good, if she ever gets hurt by you again I can guarantee that the baby you two are going to have will be the last baby you ever have. Do I make myself clear Alex Blain."

I knew that Zee was bad shit crazy so I'm pretty sure she meant every word that came out of her mouth. "Calm down you psycho. I would never hurt her, after tonight there will definitely be no chance of that."

I heard the toilet flush and the tap go on. "She's coming back, call me if there are any problems." I quickly hung up the phone and put it away. "Alex, I don't want to dress up tonight. What if my dress doesn't match my bump." She sat next to me with a pout and her arms crossed over her chest.

"You're still quite early in the pregnancy so you won't see it. Even if people see the bump, what's wrong with that." I kissed her pouted lip and a smile formed on her face.

She was so glowy and happy and I knew she was excited about the pregnancy. Aaliyah has always wanted a family and now she is finally going to get what she truly deserves.

I hope our baby turns out just like her. I hope he or she has her beautiful eyes or her gorgeous smile. I hope the baby has her heart and her artistic manner.

"Do you wanna take a shower." She had a smirk on her face and I knew exactly what the 'shower' would lead to. "Are you sure you're up for it."

"Alex I'm pregnant not dying, come on." I watched her race to the bathroom excitedly and I couldn't help but let out a laugh. "I'm so wet for you sir." Her voiced echoed in the bathroom and I couldn't resist. This woman is going to be the death of me.


After getting ready we made our way to the mansion. I had rented it out for the weekend for the celebration and anything else that could happen.

I walked Aaliyah up to the house and we were greeted by Zoë. She had agreed to being the hostess for tonight and thank goodness she was because I don't think I would have been able to pull this off without her.

Zee wrapped Aaliyah in a tight hug before bending down to her stomach and kissing it. Aaliyah let out her sweet giggle and we went inside.

Everyone we had invited was there including Arina and Caleb. Their honeymoon was cancelled because Caleb had to work. I could see how bad Aaliyah felt for her sister so I put my arm around her and gave her a kiss for reassurance.

She looked at me with a small smile before she made her way to her sister. I made my way back to Zee to know if I was good to go. She gave me a thumbs up and I shoved my nerves deep down and got a glass and got everyone's attention.

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