Open Discussion

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I wanna thank everyone for reading Brittany Hills Seattle; this story took way longer than I expected to finish but we got there in the end. It will be a while before I start working on Act 2 but hopefully, it won't be too long of a break... I just want to finish some of the other 100 stories I'm working on before I start outlining the sequel.

****** QUESTIONS ******

1) Who do y'all think was the strongest couple?

2) Who do y'all think was the weakest couple?

3) Who do y'all think needs more development?

4) Who were your favorite characters?

5) Who were your least favorite characters?

6) Who was the funniest character?

7) Who was the freakiest character?

8) What did you like about the story?

9) What areas do you think this story could improve?

10) Which storyline were you the MOST invested in; Nayquinn, Denzel, Marcelino, Mauricio, Calvin, or Ka'Jai?

11)Which storyline were you the LEAST invested in; Nayquinn, Denzel, Marcelino, Mauricio, Calvin, or Ka'Jai?

12) Is there any character you wanna see more of in the future?

13) Which three words best describe each of the main characters (Nayquinn, Calvin, Mauricio, Denzel, Ka'Jai, and Marcelino)

14) If you could pick two characters to have a threesome with who would you pick?

15) Which character didn't get enough shine?

16) List your TOP 5 Characters.

I look forward to reading you responses...............................

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