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1) Tell us a little about yourself

Well, my name is CJ and I love music, writing, and making friends. I'm an 18-year-old aspiring writer.

2) What's your favorite author? Favorite book? They can be from Wattpad or elsewhere.

My favourite author is Stephen King and my favourite book is called "The Mist" also by Stephen King.

3) How long have you been writing?

I can't say. I've been writing books ever since I could talk and write but never got the chance to finish them or have an ending.

4) Why you do write? What's your inspiration?

I write because I love the idea of creating a whole world or university just from my imagination that no one else has thought about. My inspiration is all around me; people, friends, The news, food, music, Social media, tv, and dreams.

5) What's your preferred genre?

I'm obsessed with Thrillers, science fiction, and horror. Something that would keep readers on their toes or have an impact on them.

6) What was your first written story?

I can't say, but my first written story on Wattpad is called "Out of the woods".

7) What's your writing process?

Whenever I'm doing something and a story idea comes to mind I note it down on my notepad no matter how silly the idea is so that I don't forget. Next, I listen to music (it helps) as I write a paragraph I edit because I type faster than I write. Then leave the work and come back until I am done.

8) What are your current writing projects? Can you give us a teaser?

I'm currently working on my book called Out of the Woods. It's a Mystery/thriller book. Here's a teaser: "Sometimes, the people you trust the most hold the darkest mysteries.

Well, what if I told you there's a way to expose those secrets, but it comes with a deadly price."

9) Do you have any unpublished stories? If so, why and do you ever plan to publish them?

I do, It's not that I don't want to publish them but I prefer to finish writing a book before going to the next. So in the meantime, I keep the books in my draft.

10) As a writer, what's the most challenging aspect?

For me is finishing a book. I have the idea but I never seem to find the perfect ending.

11) Where do you see yourself in five years?

A successful writer not an aspiring one.

12) Do you have any tips for aspiring writers?

Consistency is the key, and make sure you write what you want to write not what you think people want to read!

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