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1) Tell us a little about yourself

HewoI am a pretty creative person who gets quickly bored and always has to do something be it art. writing, crocheting or just watching or reading something. On the other hand, I tend to finish up stuff way to quickly which leads me to get bored and want to do more. I am always there for my friends and pretty tolerative and quite person who likes to help around and just be there for people in need. :D

2) What's your favorite author? Favorite book? They can be from Wattpad or elsewhere.

Book: The Rising of the Shield Hero (light novel) from Aneko Yusagi

3) How long have you been writing?

I've been writing here for 2 years now ever after I found myself with too much time at hand in the lockdown.

4) Why you do write? What's your inspiration?

I write to escape my life and just relax. It is hard to describe but for me, whenever I write, I dive deep down in my thoughts and be in my own little world. It just feels nice to put down all the creativity to live and see people enjoy it. As for inspiration, I don't really have that since this is something that is relaxing to me and if I have a rough time, I can cool myself down this way. This is why I don't really need motivation nor inspiration, I just love doing it :)

5) What's your preferred genre?

Fantasy and Romance

6) What was your first written story?

My first Story is called "Let the hunt begin."

7) What's your writing process?

I sometimes come up with a scenario or an ability or even character trait and want to use it. So I build my story around these small things. Though usually there is not really any process as I know the scenario and then just start writing. I am a spontaneous writer so when there is an base idea, I just start writing it. Usually it never turns out how I initially wanted it but nonetheless I am always happy with it.

8) What are your current writing projects? Can you give us a teaser?

I have a couple of MHA fanficts as project but my main bigger project is the book called "One way: Find the Destiny." This book is something I created not based on anything and is completely written on my own. I even designed the cover and just want something that screams me from the bottom of my heart XD

As for the teaser....

How about getting transmigrated into a completely different world. One where there is magic, dragons, beasts and knights. Well our dear main Character found herself transported back in a middle european setting. Though that is nothing to just sit around and relax especially since she found herself in a book... where the whole world will end if all the descendants of a dragon die... and to make things worse, she herself is one too!

Ah screw the plotline, it's time to make a change!

9) Do you have any unpublished stories? If so, why and do you ever plan to publish them?

I do have around 25 unpublished books. They are mainly pictures I uploaded for future books I want to create. It's just a reminder for me that that book is next in line to do. Yes they gonna be published but I need to work down my list first. I may just have 25 unpublished stories but I do have 2 filled small notebooks with ideas and character traits.

10) As a writer, what's the most challenging aspect?

Ufff... honestly, I don't know. It's fun for me and I don't really see anything challenging besides keyboard breaking XD I am quite fast and that happened recently to me as well TT.TT poor my little keyboard.

11) Where do you see yourself in five years?

Dunno. Do I have to actually know that? Maybe the world will end in 5 years too. XD I like to focus on the here and now and do as much as I can while I can do it since the future is something no one can predict. So why even try or worry about it? :D

12) Do you have any tips for aspiring writers?

Tips... hmm... well to all the other writers outside there:Gems!

Write as much as you love! Just put your idea down and do it as long as you enjoy doing it. No pressures nothing! Don't focus on readers do it because you love doing it and don't let people get you down by saying something about your writing style or anything. It's you and as long as you enjoy it, that is all there needs to be!

So just keep going if you love it! Someone out there miles away or even as close as in the same town or city will also like your stories for sure!

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