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1) Tell us a little about yourself

My name is Yugtha and I am 23 [maybe_yugtha on Wattpad]. I am originally from Mauritius but settled in the US. I have a B.A. in Digital Arts: Photography & Graphic Design. I love Film Photography and great stories. My experience navigating the US as a First-Generation immigrant has greatly impacted my identity and how I see life. It inspired my current novel and influenced my art over the past few years. I also have a background in English and French Literature.

2) What's your favorite author? Favorite book? They can be from Wattpad or elsewhere.

I find it hard to pick a favorite author. Books and their authors have helped me through different stages of my life.

When I was a teenager (12-15 years old), I was deeply touched by Meg Cabot's 'The Mediator' Series. It helped me find my love for fantasy and escape from the challenges of life at the time.

As a young adult (16-20 years old), Jane Austen and Emily Brontë helped me find my identity, as I entered adulthood through works such as Pride & Prejudice and Weathering Heights. The taught me how to dream and enhanced my loved for literary fiction and well-rounded characters. Thomas Hardy's selection of poems taught me how to be in touch with my emotions and grieve properly.

As I settled into adulthood (21 years old - now) I find myself turning to Louisa May Alcott's 'Little Women' and Margaret Atwood's 'The Handmaid Tales'. These books are my close confidants as I rediscover my identity in a complex and changing world.

I expect to turn to more literature as I grow older in life but I will always value all the books that raised me.

3) How long have you been writing?

I have been writing since I was 12 years old. I always loved English and writing. Back then it was essays, (very) short stories, unimpressive poems. I began seriously writing when I turned 16 years old (the day after I turned 16 - you could call it an existential crisis as adulthood approached). I published my first novel at 18 years old. I experienced a writers' block right after and wasn't able to write for 5 years (until a few weeks ago).

4) Why you do write? What's your inspiration?

Writing has always been a way for me to properly deal with my situation. When life gets too tough, I tend to bottle things up. I am not good at burdening others with my thoughts. Writing is how I unload, process, let go and find myself. It is my preferred therapist.

It all started because one day, as a teenager, I found myself questioning the purpose of life. Why do we have to go through so much and suffer alone? Why does no one know our story? What impact do we have? Will anyone learn from us when we die?

I write because I don't want to feel like it was all pointless. I want someone to know my story, know what it was life struggling through life. Just like authors in the past inspired me and helped raise me through the characters they created, I want to know all of it was not just pointless.

[I hope this doesn't sound too depressing. In my mind, it sounded deep and motivating ]

5) What's your preferred genre?

In recent years, it's been literary fiction and coming-of-age stories infused with heartfelt romance.

Previously it was anything Fantasy.

Life has been difficult in the past few years which made it difficult to escape through fantasy. I started craving stories where characters are struggling and find the strength to overcome their problems.

6) What was your first written story?

My first story was a short novel called 'Aine'. I started it in 2016, motivated by a Wattpad challenge. It had relatively good responses. Following a publication offer, I took it down. It was published in 2018.

If you are wondering, publication was discontinued in 2022. It was not meeting the sale goals. I reread it recently and could no longer relate (funny how that works). I'm thinking maybe one day I'll edit it again - not sure, though.

7) What's your writing process?

It just happens when it happens - the moment inspiration hits. However, when I do write, I need to wake up early, and get an early start. If I procrastinate before writing, I can't bring myself to do it (laziness). I also need to be in the right state of mind (content: not too happy, not to sad - I am suddenly wondering why I'm so temperamental).

8) What are your current writing projects? Can you give us a teaser?

A week ago, I started writing again after 5 years. Inspiration suddenly struck. My current novel is called 'In Her Own Footsteps'.

The novel follows the story of Aanya, a 23 year old biracial immigrant. The story revolves around the themes of identity, immigration, and marriage.After achieving her long awaited dream of settling in the US, something feels amiss: the journey has left her disconnected from her own identity. Aanya finds herself navigating life why looking for missing pieces of herself.

Do give it a read if you have the chance. It is a very personal story meticulously blended with fiction. I am uncovering the layers at the same time as you are.

Find the link below:

9) Do you have any unpublished stories? If so, why and do you ever plan to publish them?

I guess who can count 'Aine' as currently unpublished. It's publication was discontinued and I feel like I have matured a lot since I wrote it. I don't think it represents me anymore.

I own all the rights and a fee physical copies. I'm thinking maybe when I complete my current novel I'm going to rewrite the whole story, make it relevant for myself. Should I?

I guess time will tell...

10) As a writer, what's the most challenging aspect?

I think the fact that the writer is the story. The continuation of stories are impacted by our physical, emotional and mental health. We need to keep in touch with ourselves and take take of ourselves. Additional, the fact that most writers are their own harshest critics.

11) Where do you see yourself in five years?

Honestly, I don't know. If you asked me that five years ago, I would have a detailed answer for me. Now, I'm hoping I'll be happy wherever I am.

12) Do you have any tips for aspiring writers?

Sure! — Learn your grammar, it is half of the work to be able to express your ideas coherently. — Trust yourself. You know this story better than anyone. — Be open to rereading and making changes. — Constructive criticism is your friend.

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