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1) Tell us a little about yourself

My name is Bonnie but it's not my real name. Friends just started calling me that. I'm a student at a university, taking a psychology course. Picnics and creating characters are my two favorite things.

2) What's your favorite author? Favorite book? They can be from Wattpad or elsewhere.

I have a few! Bad Girls Don't Die by Katie Alender, We Were Liars by E. Lockhart, and Frost by Marianna Baer (I've been hoping to find a book like Frost but have yet to find anything that good.)

3) How long have you been writing?

I would say about over 9 years or so.

4) Why you do write? What's your inspiration?

The reason I started writing is because of the books I read. When I was young my mom signed me up for the local library reading. I loved the words and everything about it. Writing takes me to a whole different place, a place of comfort.

5) What's your preferred genre?

I'm into all genres but my favorites are Romance, Thriller & Fantasy.

6) What was your first written story?

It was my version of little red riding hood. It was so many years ago.

7) What's your writing process?

Before I write I like to read. Plus I try to think of events and things before I write.

8) What are your current writing projects? Can you give us a teaser?

Right now I'm working on two stories. One is about a girl who has arrived at a new supernatural school after her family's death. She ends up meeting a Korean boy.

The other one is about a Korean boy, who is the son of an emperor. He has a rare blood disorder. He meets a girl who brightens up his life, even if his parents don't like it.

9) Do you have any unpublished stories? If so, why and do you ever plan to publish them?

Yes, I do plan on publishing it after I've revised it a few times. I also have a book out on Amazon, I've been testing the difference between self-publishing and traditional publishing.

10) As a writer, what's the most challenging aspect?

Knowing what's in your head and writing it down. It's the most challenging part, I'm sure everyone can relate.

11) Where do you see yourself in five years?

Hopefully being a traditionally published author, possibly living in Europe with a partner. Or wherever life takes me, hopefully, it'll be on a good path.

12) Do you have any tips for aspiring writers?

Don't ever give up on your writing. Never listen to someone else, long as you love what you're doing ignore others. People will always have something to say. In the words of Stan Lee!

"If you have an idea that you genuinely think is good, don't let some idiot talk you out of It."

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