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1) Tell us a little about yourself

I'm very dedicated to taekwondo and try to incorporate martial arts into my writing whenever I can. I've been writing since 3rd grade, but during COVID I really explored my interest in it much more. I also love to sketch realistic faces such as family or fictional characters.

2) What's your favorite author? Favorite book? They can be from Wattpad or elsewhere.

Right now I really love anything by Christopher Pike, his stories just have an amazing plot line.

3) How long have you been writing?

I've been writing since I was seven or eight, but only in the past few years have my stories actually been decent.

4) Why you do write? What's your inspiration?

Fandoms, anything that I am currently obsessed with gives me so much inspiration along with events that happen in my life. I mostly write for myself just to get my ideas on paper, but I do love it when others read and enjoy my stories :)

5) What's your preferred genre?

I love a good murder mystery. Trying to figure out who the killer is along side the characters always gives you a reason to finish the book.

6) What was your first written story?

It was this terrible story about a cat. I got this diary and the outside was a fluffy kitten so I decided to fill the book with a story about a cat whose owners didn't like him. It was based off of Cinderella.

7) What's your writing process?

I have a document filled with many bullet points of key aspects I want to incorporate into the story. I'll write and just close the chapter when I feel it has ended at a good part. Then I'll have my friend look over it to make sure it all makes sense. Then I'll edit it myself and post it.

8) What are your current writing projects? Can you give us a teaser?

Secrets of the Future. It's a Harry Potter fan fiction based around this girl who is a Harry Potter fan and gets transported into the Potter universe. That's making it seem very basic, but I assure you that it isn't like. She has to figure out the significance her mother held in the wizard in world and how she died. (There's the murder mystery aspect I love)

9) Do you have any unpublished stories? If so, why and do you ever plan to publish them?

so many Marvel fan fictions! They are all so cringe and I wrote them so long ago, I hate them and probably won't ever publish them.

10) As a writer, what's the most challenging aspect?

sticking to one story. I have so many different ideas flowing through my head that I start so many different stories. That's why my google drive is filled with a bunch of Miraculous Ladybug fan fiction and Marvel. Going into eighth grade I got better at organizing my ideas into one and now I don't have 1300 docs open at once.

11) Where do you see yourself in five years?

In general, a good collage and competing worldwide in taekwondo. In writing, I hope to have improved my writing style and have finished a sequel to Secrets of the Future.

12) Do you have any tips for aspiring writers?

Find a friend that will be willing to help you edit your work! Hopefully, they'll also help organize your ideas. That's what I did and it gave me a lot more motivation to continue writing and not stop after three chapters.

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