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1) Tell us a little about yourself

I'm eighteen years old, a huge music nerd especially with 80s and 90s, a cat lover, swears by tea, coffee and hot chocolate, loves to watch doctor who, Harry Potter, stranger things, marvel, Star Wars and Star Trek and basically a massive introvert.

2) How long have you been writing?

I have been writing since I was six years old, so twelve years now. Honestly ever since I was younger I've always adored reading and getting myself lost in a book, and always aspired to do the same - to tell my stories and provide a means of escapism from modern life for my readers but also provoke them to think about modern/societal issues in this present day.

3) Why you do write? What's your inspiration?

I write because I love it. The freedom of literary expression, the sensation I feel when I put pen to paper or finger to keyboard, creating my own little world. It's amazing. In terms of inspiration, I'd say music is a big one, as a writer, I have to listen to music when I write to guide me to enrapture the right emotions or craft the right dialogue or perfectly portray the mindset of a character, which brings me onto inspiration. one of my biggest sources of inspiration is analysing song lyrics. so I'll pull up one of my favourite song, annotate, oh god the A Level English literature student coming out of me here, the line and unpick the meaning, which I will apply to my current WIP and develop things from then.

4) What's your preferred genre?

general fiction definitely. I've always been sceptical of labelling myself to one genre - initially for a short time I supposed I saw myself as a YA author but due to the development of my ongoing reflections series, and the contemporary themes it deals with, I feel as though calling myself a general fiction writer more accurately encapsulates my work and the themes I deal with.

5) What was your first written story?

wow, that's a tough question. um, I suppose one of the earliest stories I remember writing is one about my little pony, I used to have this my little pony set, and drawing pictures with it .

6) What are your current writing projects? Can you give us a teaser?

my current projects are a fantasy novel, a crime drama, and two spin offs for the reflection series. um I will say for the fantasy that we follow a seventeen year old female protagonist who discovers that she is the heir to a kingdom embedded alternative dimension and goes on a journey to unpick her identity (she grew up in foster care you see). the crime drama, I mean we're talking something which is nothing like ive ever wrote before and ive been writing for twelve old years, haha. spin offs for the reflections series, um, one of them follows matt in 2022, something quite significant happens to him and izzy also who is succumbed to life changing news - Izzy's one is quite emotionally raw so be prepared

7) Do you have any unpublished stories? If so, why and do you ever plan to publish them?

yes and I'll tell you why I won't be publishing them - is because they were wrote by a thirteen year old and they're awful.

8) As a writer, what's the most challenging aspect?

the most challenging aspect of being a writer I think is always the risk of falling out of love with your story. like you could put your heart and soul into planning a novel, with full character profiles, a proper outline and get halfway through and find this isn't working - believe me I've had that so much

9) Where do you see yourself in five years?

five years. well, I am hoping to enter the wattys next year so i would love to be able to win a watty, maybe even having published my reflections novels. yeah I would be happy with that.

10) Do you have any tips for aspiring writers?

tips for aspiring writers, is just write. all writers start out somewhere, so get in the practise as much as you can. whether that might just be a poem or a paragraph of a story idea, practise, practise, practise. and make sure you're writing for the love of the art, and the freedom of artistic expression rather than simply because of The Hollywood area

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