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1) Tell us a little about yourself

I've been on Wattpad since 2011. I used to have another account here but it's deleted now. I got an interest in writing from reading books a lot when I was younger. I love reading and writing, and would even write in notebooks I got from Walmart. Then my friend told me about this app, and I started to write as soon as I got on. The first story I ever wrote on here that was good was "Teach Me to See" and it was a One Direction fanfic. It's not here anymore, as my old account was deleted. But now, on Ravin_Raven, I've been writing since like 2015? I'm not sure to be honest.

2) What's your favorite author? Favorite book? They can be from Wattpad or elsewhere.

I'm not sure who my favorite author is. I have so many that I love. But the ones that are at the top are James Patterson for his Maximum Ride and Hawk series. Leigh Bardugo for Shadow and Bone. Sarah J. Maas, And PC Cast and her daughter, Kristin Cast.

3) How long have you been writing?

I have been writing since I learned how to. But I first joined Wattpad in 2011. I love writing and want it to be my career someday.

4) Why you do write? What's your inspiration?

I write because I have so many stories to tell. I have a lot of characters who lurk under my skin and in my heart and mind. And they all come out in random bursts to tell their story. And sometimes, there's more than one that wants to be told. Like right now for instance. I'm working on at least 6 stories.

5) What's your preferred genre?

My preferred genre is fantasy. I like horror, sci-fi, romance, and supernatural.

6) What was your first written story?

My first story on here was probably a fanfic. I'm honestly not sure, it's either that or a poem book. And it doesn't help that my old account is deleted, so I can't go back to check.

7) What's your writing process?

My writing process is kinda evolving all the time. It goes from just bursting out of my mind in random intervals to planning things out now. I do my best to write down the finer details of my stories in notebooks so I can figure it out easier, and it prevents writers block.

8) What are your current writing projects? Can you give us a teaser?

My current writing projects are a bit hectic right now. I keep coming up with too many ideas. But right now, I'm working on a story called "the fae courts" and it's gonna get really intense. Especially where Vvarla, a spindlewitch assassin, is concerned. I don't want to spoil more, but Cassiopeia is technically the main character, with Vvarla being the secondary one. But still, I love them both. 

9) Do you have any unpublished stories? If so, why and do you ever plan to publish them?

Oh man, I have so many unpublished stories and drafts. Like, way more than I should have. I'm planning on publishing some more (on here, of course) as I really want to reach the goal of 100 stories on here. That just sounds really cool. And I don't have a set in stone reason for not publishing some, if not most of them. It's just I don't think they are worthy of public consumption.

10) As a writer, what's the most challenging aspect?

The hardest part of writing is all the ideas. No one talks about the sheer number of ideas that flow through your mind 24/7. It makes me wonder why. I always have random ideas that pop in my head.

11) Where do you see yourself in five years?

I hope that in 5 years, I'm an actually published author. I'd still be here, but I'd also love to have physical books to sell to people. So many stories I could share with the world .... I would scream if I could do that!

12) Do you have any tips for aspiring writers?

Yes, I have a lot of tips for aspiring writers. First one was given to me years ago..... Always keep writing. No matter if it's a good novel, a fanfic, a poem, or something that no one but you will ever read. It's something that you gotta do. I started out with fanfics and poems. I still do them, of course, as I have a poem book and a fanfic I'm working on as well, but I'm serious when I say to try to write every day, or at least twice a week. Don't wanna get rusty! And also, don't be afraid to write it. If you came up with this idea and you think it could maybe help someone escape reality or help them through hard times, then write it. Even if you don't totally love it. Someone will. And if people don't comment and vote and such on your story, keep going. You can improve yourself only through experience. Write for YOU, for either the past, future, or present you. And once you've got that figured out, who you're writing for, you're golden.

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