Chapter 36: Revelations

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Chapter 36: Revelations

Chapter 36

"Poor Tokoyami..." Kendo muttered, looking down sadly at his mutilated beak. The doctors had taken a look at it earlier, and they'd confirmed that Izuku had done all that could be done for the bird-headed teen at the moment. They could buy a prosthetic beak, but most of the high-quality ones were custom made, and that meant paying a hell of a lot of cash, cash they didn't exactly have. Honestly, it was surprising to hear how prosthetics were still an issue in this day and age, but after thinking about it for a moment, Izuku realized that beaks probably would be harder to make, seeing as most people with bird mutations had unique beaks.

"He'll be fine." Izuku replied confidently, staring blankly at where the top-half of Tokoyami's beak should have been, "I just know it." Reiko opened her mouth to say something, but she seemed to rethink it halfway through, closing her mouth again.

"Izuku, you can't ignore this by painting it over with a fresh coating of blind optimism," Kendo countered, looking over at the teen in question, "This is irreversible damage. Not even Overhaul can fix it, because there's no way to source an exact version of Tokoyami's quirk."

Suddenly, the door slammed open, revealing a woman with long and messy black hair wearing a disheveled suit, with spaces in the back to let ruffled black wings out, similar to Hawks' wings in a way. She was also notably foreign looking as well, similar to Aoyama, so she was probably European.

"Fumikage?" She cried out with a slight accent, confirming Izuku's guess of Europe. She didn't even acknowledge Izuku, Reiko, and Itsuka as she ran over to the bed, her hands gripping the steel frame as her eyes met Tokoyami's face. "Oh, Fumikage! My poor boy! You- you've...," she then devolved into some unknown language, which Izuku didn't really know. It wasn't a Latin-based language though, so it was possibly a Germanic, Slavic, or some other language.

"Uh, are you Tokoyami's mother?" Kendo asked uncertainly, holding a hand out warily. The lady seemed to suddenly realize they were there, pausing in her muttering.

"O-Oh, I'm so s-sorry I didn't notice you..." She spluttered, tears in the corners of her eyes, "Er, yes, I-I am Fumikage's mother, Medfølende Svartevinger. It's, uh, Norwegian." She added, scratching the back of her head, "I-I suppose you must be some of his friends he talks about? Er, was it Midoriya, Kendo, Yanagi, Yaoyorozu, and Kurono?" The three students made a face upon hearing Momo being mentioned.

"That's us, I guess. I'm Izuku Midoriya, the girl with orange hair is Itsuka Kendo, and the girl with silver hair is my g-girlfriend, Reiko Yanagi." Izuku replied, gesturing towards his friends as he introduced them.

"I wish Yaoyorozu and Kurono were here to meet you as well, but the former's been kidnapped and the latter is...where'd you say Kurono was?" Kendo asked, looking at Izuku.

"Oh, uh, I dunno? It said he read my text on what happened, but he didn't reply." He answered, shrugging.

"Well, from the bottom of my heart..." Medfølende said, before bowing deeply, "Thank you, for being my son's friend. You have no idea how much joy you bring to his life." Izuku blushed slightly at the comment, while Kendo smiled. Reiko, on the other hand, simply looked down at the ground, seemingly uncomfortable from the praise.

"T-Thank you, Mrs. Tokoyami...I, uh, I don't think I could pronounce your last name, sorry..." Izuku apologize, getting a quiet chuckle from the woman.

"It's quiet alright, Midoriya-Kun," She replied, before turning back to look at her son, "...I'll kill that fucking bastard that did this to Fumikage." The other occupants of the room did a double take at the drastic change in tone, "Break his mouth, see how he fucking likes it, the piece of shit..."

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