The 10Th club

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Andy Shaw is the co-owner of a company that sells bulletproof vests to players in the government-run legal killing game The Big Hunt, in which participants alternate between being a "hunter" and a "victim".  A hunter attempts to find and kill a set target, their prey.  Shaw is a seasoned player, having already played six rounds of the game.  His longtime partner in the company, Carlos, is a member of the rare "Tens Club", a position Hunt earned by winning ten rounds.

Shaw gets his seventh job as a hunter, whose victim is Jenny from Toronto.  He is somewhat surprised, having never heard a woman play Hunt before.  He calls the Bureau of Emotional Catharsis to make sure.  The Bureau was established after the Third World War to provide an outlet for aggression to drive the Hunt and to prevent future wars.  They confirm that they have the correct information.

Shaw comes to Toronto and goes for a walk to explore the victim's neighborhood.  He is taken by surprise when he quickly sees her smoking a cigarette in the open at an outdoor cafe.  He contacts the Bureau once again to make sure she is aware that she is playing the victim.  They assure him that everything is in order.

Shaw feels betrayed because if the victim doesn't try to fight back he won't get complete catharsis.  Seeking adventure, he puts himself in danger by approaching her.  He pretends to be in town on business and is looking for a date, but hopes that she will spot the deception and shoot him at any time.

Jenny initially dismisses Shaw's advances, saying that she will probably die soon.  She explains that she has been trying to become an actress in Toronto, without much success.  In search of some excitement he signed up for the Hunt, but on his first mission he didn't find the courage to kill his intended victim.  Now, taking her turn as the victim, she is unable to even think of shooting her hunter.  So she's just waiting to be killed.

Happy for their company, she and Shaw spend the afternoon together.  But Jenny can't stop thinking about his impending murder and mourns that she will soon die.  Shaw realizes that he has fallen for her and admits to being her stalker, but says he would rather marry her than kill her.  Very relieved, she kisses him and then lights the celebratory cigarette.  Then she shoots him with a gun hidden in her cigarette lighter.

As she is about to hit the fatal target, Shaw
hears her speak in happiness that she will finally be in the tenth club

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